
Sponda: Is presence the most important modern (business) skill to master?

Modern life with its ever-present technology and continuous interruptions challenges our
ability to focus on the moment. Authentic presence is a superpower that reduces stress,
increases well-being, and improves productivity. What can we achieve if we are truly
present in what we do?

In working life, the situation is paradoxical. While working conditions in knowledge work are
better than ever before, job satisfaction and work ability are constantly decreasing. In Finland,
one in four is at risk of burnout, while a fifth of employees suffer from mental health disorders.
Globally, malaise at work is estimated to cause losses of approximately $1 trillion per year.

Burnout is a common threat also for students – so what can be done to improve the situation?
Enter presence. Psychologist Ville Ojanen, an advocate of human-centred working life and an
expert in brain research, has followed working life closely for over 20 years. In his view, one of
the biggest problems is the lack of a genuine sense of presence. With its emphasis on thinking
and cognition, performance-oriented life is too brain-centred in its approach to interaction. Created in co-operation with Ojanen, we started to spread the theme of presence from inside
out. Last year, we launched coaching events, where the importance of presence was discussed
and concrete tools for its development offered.

The need for connection and being present is not a matter of opinion, but the most important
fundamental value and resource of humanity, based on biology. Even short encounters based
on genuine presence can strengthen a connection. This is all based on biology – we are a social
species for whom connection matter more than material things. How can you improve the sense
of presence? With these instructions, you can make presence your personal superpower, which
enhances your interactions and opens the doors to innovative, creative thinking. Give it a try!

  1. Be aware of your environment – Genuine presence requires awareness in three different
    directions – yourself, others and the environment.
  2. Be aware of yourself – Turn your attention to yourself. What are the sensations you are
    experiencing right now and where do they come from?
  3. Limit your thoughts and feelings – Almost 60,000 unstructured thoughts crop up in the
    human brain each day, most of which relate to the past or the future.
  4. This moment is what matters – Open your mind to the most important realisation of
  5. Focus on the people present – Then focus on the person or people present.
  6. Be honest, bold and open – Encounters become more meaningful when you express your
    own thoughts more honestly and boldly.
  7. End the encounter positively – Tell the person you encountered if the meeting was important
    to you.
  8. Cultivate your own resources – Presence requires resources. When you have time, think
    about when being present is especially difficult or easy in your day-to-day life.
  9. Be aware that you do not always have to be present
  10. Remember that in presence, it is quality, not quantity that matters

You can read more detailed instructions on how to improve your sense of presence from our

Marcus Reijonen, HR Director // Sponda Ltd