Meeting summary

Summary of Student Council’s meeting 3/2023

The Student Council of the Student Union at Hanken School of Economics 

Summary of Student Council’s meeting 3/2023 

Place: The teacher ́s room at Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, room 105 at Hanken School of Economics in Vaasa and the meeting platform Microsoft Teams 

Time: Thursday 30.3.2023 at 16.01 – 17:29 

The meeting was opened by student council president Emma Lindvall at 16:01 

  • Approved the Board’s proposal to the Student Council to change the statues of the Student Union (1/2023)
  •  Approved the proposal to change the Student Council’s regulations made by the task force
  • Approved the proposal to change the Board’s regulations made by the task force
  • A task force for the revision of marks and scholarship regulations
  • Remit motion (1/2023) to the task force for the revision of marks and scholarship regulations

The meeting was concluded by chairperson Emma Lindvall at 17:29