Meeting summary
Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 8/2023
Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 8/2023
Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, floor 2
Time: 1.3.2023 kl 10.00
Ville Ruokonen, Frida Winberg, Emilia Öfverström, Pauliina Haarala, Sami Multisilta, Axel Anderson, Matilda Eriksson, Rebecka Laaksonen and Emilia Granqvist
The meeting was opened at 10:02 by chairman Ruokonen
Notification matters:
- The Board has attended SHS and SASSE annual ball
- Instagram takeover week has been planned for next week
- The second meeting of the chairman committee is to be held 6.3
The following matters were addressed at the meeting:
- The equality form was checked and approved.
- The application for a student representative to the department councils for marketing and logistics was opened
- A representative for the working group for evaluation of teaching skills within the hanken’s tenore trak system is chosen
- Exchange comittee is granted a afterparty permit.
- Representatives to PorKy and Nylands nations annual balls were chosen
Other matters:
- None
The meeting was closed at 10:44 by chairman Ruokonen
- The board has represented and participated in the SHS CXIV annual ball and zillis
- The board has attended SASSE’s Anniversary Feast in Stockholm and met the SASSE and NHHS boards
- The board has met SSHV’s board
Ville Ruokonen
- Wrote and gave two speeches at the SHS annual ball
- Planned the board’s strategy day vol 4
- Participated in the Kylteripuheenleinheidzien verkosto meeting
- Financial management
- Wrote greetings to Nötte and to Hankeiten
Axel Anderson
- Participated in Kopo-live with Emilia where the quality of education and various results related to this in Finland were presented and discussed
- Continued planning of UU x FM x Kyllis event “feedback and talk”
- Wrote a project grant application for UU rollup
- Wrote a presentation speech for this year’s lecturer and delivered the speech at the annual party
Emilia Öfverström
- Organized election debate meeting remotely: Facebook event is up!
- Emailed Hanken about technology for the stage for the debate
- Participated in Kopo-live with Axel
- Participated in Wsc meeting about election of new chairman of the Wsc board
- Been in contact with Yle X3m regarding potential content for the election debate
- Been in contact with FSF about the calls to the candidates: SHS and Arcada studerandekår share nine Swedish-speaking candidates from SFP
- Been in contact with OLL via regarding potential participation in strategy group and contact with our sponsor
Frida Winberg
- Continued planning the wellness week
- Contacted possible candidates for the wellness week panel discussion
- Final changes in the equality survey
- Presented the equality survey for the rest of the board
- Coordinated a meeting where the sopo-comittee and Folkhälsan will meet
Pauliina Haarala
- Organized the Annuall Ball with ÅFK
- Participated in the IB board meeting
Rebecca Laaksonen
- Planned the 2nd Ordfu meeting
- Planned Kårsemi details
- Planning for the club takeover on IG
- Planned SHS participation for Nylles Stegmästaren 2023
- Collaboration discussions with TuKY
Sami Multisilta
- Coordinared booking calendar
- Checked needs for new chairs and what chairs to buy
- Checked availability of storage for new snaps and wine glasses
Matilda Eriksson
- Participated in Hankens sustainability group meeting
- Sustainable snaps – and wineglass ordering is underway, have been in contact with the company and received an offer
- Brief meeting with former communication responsible about a text about SHS for PhD students that have been left from 2022
- Collected material for the March-month newsletter and started to work on it
- Made and published some- material
- Participated in the IB board meeting