Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 17/2021

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 17/2021

Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Microsoft Teams

Time: 5.5.2021 at 10AM

The meeting was opened by Chairman Karlsson at 10.00 AM

Attending: Daniel Karlsson, Anton Nilsson, Sebastian Ståhlberg, Emilia Winqvist, Emilia Donner, Emma Lindvall, Daniel Hasselström, Kristiane Width

Notification matters: 

  • Ståhlberg arrived to the meeting in shorts
  • Ståhlberg notifies that it was a nice game of American football during the vappu festivities

The Executive Board discussed and made decisions regarding the following matters:

  • The position as a substitute student representative in the language direction was opened for applications
  • The position for a regular student position in the SHS disciplinary committee was opened for applications
  • The positions as a regular and substitute member of the equality committee at Hanken were filled by Maisa Dyhr (regular member) and Alexandra Eriksson (substitute member).
  • An exceptional permission to use the Student Union’s premises was granted to Casa Nostra for executing the avslutande sitz.

The Executive Board members activites can be found through this link

Other matters:

  • No other matters were discussed

Chairman Karlsson ended the meeting at 10:12AM