Meeting summary

Summary of Student Council meeting 13/2020

The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics
Summary of Student Council meeting 13/2020
Place: V106 Hanken School of Economics in Vaasa (Kirjastonkatu 16) and Microsoft Teams.
Time: 17:00

The meeting was opened by Student Council President Nicolina Massa at 17:01.

The following matters were addressed at the meeting:
● Lydia Nysten was chosen as the protocol adjuster and vote counter in Vaasa and Nelson
Jones on Teams
● Petteri Tuokila was chosen as the writer of the summary of the meeting.
● Approved the operational plan for SHS 2021
● Approved the budget for SHS 2021

● Approved the transfer of SHS capital to SESS
● Approved the changes made for the equality policy document

Other matters
● The president of the SHS Executive Board Fanny Hindsberg wants to thank the Student
Council for good cooperation during a hectic autumn.
● Student Council President Nicolina Massa thanks for long, but effective meetings that
the Student Council has had since the constituent meeting in October.
● Next meeting: Preliminary meeting date is January 27 at 17:00.

The meeting was concluded by Student Council President Nicolina Massa at 18:31.