Meeting summary

Meeting Abstract of the Executive Board’s meeting 26/2020

The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics
Meeting Abstract of the Executive Board’s meeting 26/2020
Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, floor 2 & Microsoft Teams & Hästökobben (Coordinates: 60°01’07″N 24°33’05″E)
Time: 1.10.2020 at 11:00

Attending: Fanny Hindsberg, Nea Olsson, Filip Jägerroos, Eliott Tallqvist, Maisa Dyhr, Oscar Byman, Axel Toukkari, Kristiane Width, Henna Konsti

The Executive Board made decisions in the following matters during the meeting:

  • Hankens Vinsällskap has applied for a club grant, the application is asked to be edited
  • HankBoobie has applied for a project grant, the application is asked to be edited
  • The founding of Hankens Jaktskytteklubb is approved
  • SHS executive board chooses Mieli RY as the recipient for the early charitable donation given by SHS
  • Rita Merisalo is chosen as the Hankeit of the quarter
  • The usage of student union facilities is restricted, and between 22:00- 08:00 the premises are off limits for those without and accepted reservation for any facilities.

Other matters

  • The executive board has updated its recommendations regarding dampening the spread of Covid-19 on the webpage 30.9.2020
  • Student Council president Henna Konsti asks the board if they have any suggestions on how to improve the Student Council meetings for the next meeting. Konsti also reminds the board that they can also apply to join the Student Council

The meeting ended at 11.45 AM

Executive Board activities:


Fanny Hindsberg: Meeting the Karen regarding recruiting the new inspector, attended the UFs annual general meeting, written a greeting to Nötte

Oscar Byman: SHS2025 work, worked with FSFs meeting material, discussed studentrepresantation to Kauppatieteiden yhteisvalinta with Rektor Karen and Eliott

Eliott Tallqvist: discussed studentrepresantation to Kauppatieteiden yhteisvalinta with Rektor Karen and Oscar, continued the work with SHS study circles, worked on UUs internal calendar

Joakim Kiuru: Concept work regarding a new company event, preparing stuff  for next years NU chief, coordinated the business committees work

Maisa Dyhr: worked with the equality plan, wellnessweek and stödhankeiten, attended SYL seminaries,, SHVS wellnessgroups meeting, UNIFIS meetings  and SHS2025 meeting. Worked on the sustainability manual with Gensek Kristi

Nea Olsson: Meeting with hanken eventorganizer, personal contact with presidents of SHS regarding their events. Planning the online student union fair

Filip Jägerroos: Worked on the equality plan, Written the Casa manual, done videoguides to the DJ booth and the lightsystem at casa, contact hanken regarding potential donation of furniture

Axel Toukkari: Maintained social media, worked on the webpage, made a StödHankeit page to