Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 18/2024


Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 18/2024

Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Google Meet

Time: 8.5 .2024 at 10.15


Sofie Eriksson, Jesper Rajakangas, Jonatan Stenberg, Matias Monola, Linn Grönlund and Mathilda Lindblom

The meeting was opened at 10.15 by chairman Eriksson

The following matters were addressed at the meeting:

  • Election of a president to the central election committe
  • Election of a student representative to Hankens National External Advisory Committe
  • Election of an election committe for Hankens board members
  • Opening of the application to the Hankeit of the quarter
  • Participation in Enklaavis annual ball




  • Met with SSHV and Merkantila Klubben boards in Turku
  • Participated in the Student Council’s workshop 
  • Met with the student union’s inspector Markus

Sofie Eriksson

  • Had situation talks with board members
  • Helped union members with various matters
  • Had a meeting regarding the spring semester with the president of the Council of Elders and the president and second vice president of the Student Council
  • Familiarized myself with meeting materials for the Ekonomernas general assembly
  • Wrote a greeting from the Student Union to the SSHV magazine Nötte
  • Had a biweekly meeting with SSHV President Julia
  • Prepared some material for the Presidential Committee meeting
  • Presented the committees’ new quarterly reporting method at the Chairs’ Committee meeting
  • Assisted the presidents with recruitment issues
  • Council of Four meeting for the election of Masters Committee Vice
  • Handled financial management issues, including incorrect payments and late invoices
  • Compiled comments on Hanken’s draft Pedagogy document

Victor Dahlberg

  • Situation chat with Sofie
  • Discussed feedback and English-language programs with Sivert from NHHS
  • Discussed the development of the Education Committee’s internal communication
  • Updated the Education Committee’s meeting techniques and documents.
  • Planned comfort bun

Jonatan Stenberg

  • Situation Chat with Sofie
  • Taken care of the last things regarding the candidates to the EU-debate
  • Organised the EU-debate
  • Participated in the education boards audit of Hankens Erasmus+ program
  • Presented the revised policydocument to the student council

Aliisa Lundén

  • Adverticed the SHS Member Survey
  • Done an overview of the results of Member Survey to the council
  • Continued working on Pride

Jesper Rajakangas

  • Recycled bottles and cans after Vappen with Linn
  • Revised the disciplinary regulations
  • Had a meeting with a company
  • Contacted multiple potential collaborators
  • Mapped out the Business Committee’s operations during the fall semester
  • Held the Business Committee meeting 11/2024
  • Coordinated sales of collaboration products
  • Confirmed and planned together with Hanken Network Day main speaker
  • Held a planning meeting with the Hanken Network Day team
  • Planned committee financial management with Sofie

Linn Grönlund

  • Had the Presidents’ Committees last meeting for the semester
  • Opened a second 1on1 possibility for presidents
  • Had a meeting with Hanken regarding Gamylen
  • Sent out a forms about event feedback
  • Further planned the cottage trip for union active

Matias Monola

  • Managed the booking calendar 
  • Situation update with Sofie
  • Been in contact with KSO regarding the acquiring a new freezer for Casa

Mats Lehto

  • General management of SHS communication and social media
  • Management of the SHS website
  • Created e-mail addresses for new clubs and student activists
  • Sent out SHS newsletter for the month of May
  • Contacted Hanken’s IT service to make a trusted handle