Meeting summary

Meeting abstract of The Executive Board’s meeting 7/2018

The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics
Meeting abstract of The Executive Board’s meeting 7/2018
Place: SEB, Perhogatan 6, III floor.
Time: 28.2.2018 at 13.00.
Henna Konsti, Filip Styrström, Christian Nygård, Ida Andersén, Melina Weckman, Amos Schalin, Edvard Björk, Camilla Mäkinen och Oscar Byman.
The Executive board made decisions in the following matters during the meeting:
– Elisabeth Björkman has been elected as a student representative in the Department of Economics.
– Sabina von Koskull has been elected as a student representative in the Department of Finance and Statistics.
– Frida Elf has been elected as a student representative and Marcus Jansson as a substitute in the Department of Accounting and Commercial law.
– Fanny Hindsberg has been elected as a student representative in the Department of Management and Organisation.
– Alina Söderman and Jessica Kock have been granted the right to step down from their roles as student representatives in the Department of Accounting and Commerical Law. The student representative posts will thereby be opened.
Other matters:
– Styrstöm has told us about his meeting with Sören Kock.
– The activity of the Executive Board:
– The Executive board has visited SASSE and participated in their annual ball.
– The Executive board has painted furnitures.
– The Executive board has participated in an education about equality.
– The Executive board has participated in SHS Annual Ball and Silliz.
– The Executive board has participated in the coffee with Hanken’s rector.
– Konsti and Weckman had a meeting with ÅFK.
– Styrstöm and Weckman represented SHS at ÅAS Annual Ball.
– Styrstöm has tested Casa’s sound system.
– Styrström has written a speech for the Lecturer of the year.
– Styrström has awarded the Lecturer of the year.
– Styrström has head hundet IR-representatives.
– Styrström has had a meeting with Sören Kock.
– Styrström has had a meeting with the Education committee.
– Andersén and Nygård has planned and held an equality education for active members.
– Andersén, Schalin, Weckman and Konsti has had a meeting with the President Committee.
– Nygård has participated in a meeting with World Student Capital Helsinki.
– Nygård has had a meeting with a masters student regarding Hoas.
– Nygård has participated in an information session about the strike at Akava.
– Schalin has had a meeting with KSO.
– Schalin, Konsti and Styrström has had a meeting with SHS club presidents.
– Schalin, Konsti, Nygård and Weckman has participated in the education held by Johannes Hanhirova regarding financial management.
– Weckman has been in charge of the Instagrams of Helsingforsalliansen and Niord.
– Weckman has updated the licence for
– Weckman, Andersén and Nygård has had a meeting about the member survey.
– Weckman and Andersén has had a meeting about an international campaign.
– Björk has been working with effectivating NU and improve their communication.
– Björk has started planning HND together with Hanken.
– Björk has worked with HFN.
The meeting ended at 13.55.