Meeting summary

Meeting summary 30-2017

Place: SEB, Hietaniemenkatu 7 A, III floor.
Time: 29.11.2017 at. 12.00
Karri Lumivirta
Sofia Holm
Tomas Granholm
Jens Nyström
Alina Anderson
Oscar Byman
Ida Andersén
Henna Konsti
Melina Weckman
Edvard Björk
Amos Schalin
The Executive Board decided the following during the meeting:

  • CN granted a loan for start capital for the incoming year 2018
  • A proposition for the members of the university council
  • A proposition for the members of the disciplinary council
  • Sports Committee project grant denied

The executive board discussed

  • Budget and operational plan for 2018
  • Invitations