Meeting summary

Summary of Student Council meeting 7/2017

 Student Council meeting, November 8th 2017

Location: Teachers Lounge at Svenska Handelshögskolan in Helsinki, Arkadiankatu 22 Time: 13.00
§1 Opening of the meeting The meeting started at 13.04
§2 Accepting the legitimacy and decision making power as well as choosing the protocol adjusters and vote counters
The meeting was properly summoned.
Oscar Byman and Alexandrine Lindstedt were chosen as protocol adjusters and vote counters.
§3 Confirmation of the meeting schedule
§4 Election of meeting secretary in Swedish and English
Erika Storfors was selected.
§5 Information and discussion
The board presented their ongoing activities.
§6 The boards proposition regarding committee regulations
Attachment: The boards proposition regarding the committee regulations and covering letter.
Suggestion: The committee regulations to be accepted in its new form.
Decision: The suggestion was accepted.
§7 Budget tracking
Attachment: The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics budget 2.11.2017 Jens Nyström presented the budget tracking for 2017.
§8 Other matters
The board’s thoughts about the operations of next year was presented.
§9 End of the meeting
Meeting ended at 14.28