Meeting summary

Summary of board meeting 18/2017

Place: SEB, Hietaniemenkatu 7 A, II floor.

Time: 31.08. 2017 at. 9.00



Karri Lumivirta

Sofia Holm

Petra Laiti

Alina Anderson

Tomas Granholm

Mia Palmgren

Jens Nyström

The meeting opened at. 9.01


The Executive Board decided the following during the meeting:

Several vacancys in positions of trust


One substitute position at the Academic council.


Two ordinary and one substitute position in the university collegiate.


One ordinary and two substitute positions in the institution council for Marketing and Logistics


One substite position in the language board in Vasa


One ordinary and one substitute position in the institute council for Accounting and Commercial Law


Granted special permission tp use Casa for Casa Nostra for 3.9. And 10.9.



Anderson has written a draft on the equality plan, which has been sent to the elders council for comments.


Granholm has started working with the overalls.


Laiti reports that WSC might be on its way to become a registered association.


The Student Union Fair will be held 11.9. 10-14.


Holm has become the student representative in the task group focusing on e-exams at Hanken, replacing Kenneth Nilsson.


Nygård och Lumivirta har auditerat och blivit auditerade av ÅAS

The meeting ended at. 9.32