Student representation

Student representatives

General matters (or if you are not sure whom to contact):

The Education Council (part of the Academic Council)

In short, the Education Council’s tasks are to develop and evaluate the education at Hanken, make decisions regarding the admission criteria for the bachelor’s- and master’s programs, made decisions regarding the approval of study plans and courses offered and to make decisions regarding the evaluation and approval of master’s theses.

Emilia Winqvist (Fanny Kesti)
Ville Ruokonen (Mats Welander)
Lydia Nystén (Theresa Forsskåhl

The University Council

The University Council has 18 members representing the different personnel groups at Hanken and the students. For instance, the Council appoints the external members of the Board, the auditors for the School and the Academic Council. It approves the financial statement and grants the Board and the rector a discharge from liability.

Nicole Gustafsson (Fanny Hindsberg)
Ida Havunta (Nea Olsson)

Nina Sundblad (Louisa Lindbäck)
Rebecca Laaksonen (Axel Anderson)

Robin Eriksson (Nathalie Wikman) 
Emilia Sparf (Felix Anderson)

The Department Councils

Hanken has four departments which are led by a prefect and a department council. The departments are for both campuses and the councils can be seen as a shareholder’s meeting for the departments. Matters handled by the council include the course offering, the hiring of new professors and research doctorates, the department budget and more.

The Department Council of Finance and Economics

Regular representatives:
Emilia Donner (Finance)
Märta Ukkonen (Economics)
Cassandra Björk (Vasa)

Deputy representatives:
Anton Vest (Finance)
Pontus Kaisti (Finance)
Emma Keko (Vasa)

The Department Council of Management and Organisation

Regular representatives:
Emilia Winqvist (Management and Organisation)
Robin Berntzen (Entrepreneurship and Organisation)
Tim Teirfolk (Vasa)

Deputy representatives:
Bessy Sederlöf (Management and Organisation)
Anton Mattson (Entrepreneurship and Organisation)
Cecilia Dahlberg (Management and Organisation)

The Department Council of Marketing and Logistics

Regular representatives:
Matilda Eriksson (Marketing)
Jonnie Lassila (Logistics)
Ella Appel (Vasa)

Deputy representatives:
Linn Söderlund (Marketing)
Cia Leinonen (Logistics)
Mats Lehto (Marketing)

The Department Council of Accounting and Commercial Law

Regular representatives:
Frida Sande (Accounting)
Emma Lindvall (Commercial Law)
Klaus Ahlgren (Vasa)

Deputy representatives:
Pauliina Haarala (Accounting)
Emilia Nygård (Commercial Law)
Mathias Weckström (Redovisning)

The Direction of the Centre for Languages and Business Communication: 

To organize the teaching of languages at Hanken, there is a Centre for Languages and Business Communication. The centre has a direction, that for instance makes drafts for the curriculum of the language courses and the budget for the centre. In the direction, we have one regular and one deputy student representative.

Wilma Andréasen (Emma Lindvall)

The Board of Hanken

The Board is the highest decision-making body of the School. It consists of 10 members, five of whom are employed by the School, four are external members while one represents the student body.

The Board decides on most issues of a strategic nature, such as the activity and economic plan as well as the budget. The Board is responsible for the economy of the School and the allocation of its funds. The Board must approve the performance agreement with the Ministry of Education. The Board appoints the Rector and decides on admissions.

Jennifer Holmberg & Sebastian Ståhlberg