The Advocacy Committee

Contact person: Jonatan Stenberg

The Advocacy Committee is a committee that supports the Board’s work on the external advocacy activities of SHS. In practice, external advocacy means making the voice of SHS members heard in society.

The committee meets at regular intervals to discuss current issues and also organises other activities.

By far the largest part of the external advocacy work is to be active in the cooperation organisations that SHS is part of or has an interest in – e.g. the National Union of University Students in Finland, the Finnish Students’ Sports Federation and World Student Capital. In these organisations, economy, well-being, equality and sustainability in academic affairs are discussed. (Academic affairs = politics concerning students).

The committee has been established to raise interest and awareness of these issues and of these organisations and act as a discussion forum, therefore programmes are planned according to current themes in academic affairs and in society.

If you have questions or concerns about IBU, you can direct them to Jonatan Stenberg