External advocacy
One of the main tasks of the Student Union is advocating for student’s rights externally and is primarily the task of the Executive Board. The areas of responsibilities are, but not limited to academic, municipal, and social affairs. These external interests are regulated through the cooperation of larger organisations and forums. Stakeholders in social affairs issues are FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service), HOAS (Housing) and OLL (Sport union for students). SYL (National Union of university students in Finland) represents the core advocate in social affairs for all university students in Finland and is one of SHS core partners. In regards to municipal affairs, SHS is a member of the World Student Capital, which serves as a network for university and vocational univeristy students in the metropolitan area.
Social Affairs
Student Health Care (FSHS)
Frequent correspondence with the Finnish Student Health Care Organisation, FSHS, is one of the main duties of the SHS Executive Board, since the health of our members is a priority. The board member responsible for social affairs in the Executive Board also represents the Student Union in the Board of Directors of the Helsinki and Espoo Unit; the council in charge of students well- being. Through these groups, SHS can be involved in critical decision making that impacts students and voice the concerns that students are going through. If you have any feedback or ideas regarding the student health care, feel free to contact the SHS executive board member in cahrge of social affairs.
Please note that there will be a change to the Health Care system for all students starting 1.1.2021.
HOAS stands for Helsingin seudun opiskelija-asuntosäätiö, which in English can be translated to the Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region. The main role of this organization is to offer affordable housing for students in the Helsinki region. You can apply for an apartment on their webpage. SHS is represented in the HOAS board. Primarily this is the member of the SHS Executive Board that is in charge of social affairs. We also have a representative in the Council, which is the position is shared with TaiYo.
In year 2018 Hanken became a co-owner of Unisport. Unisport offers exercise opportunities for students to a more student friendly price. Both Hanken and SHS have a representative each in the Board of Directors of Unisport.
OLL stands for Opiskelijoiden liikunta liitto. The federation guards students’ interests regarding sport questions.
Academic Affairs
SYL stands for Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto, in English National Union of University Students in Finland. SYL represents all 13 Student Unions in Finland, which means it represents over 132 000 students. Therefore, ss a member of SHS, you are also a member of SYL. The Union has a board that is elected yearly by the member Student Unions. SYL does a lot of student advocacy, such as student wellbeing, societal impact, international affairs, and student life to name a few. Through SYL, SHS has a lot of cooperation with the other Student Unions in Finland, and we also have the chance to get our voice heard on a national level. SHS is mainly represented in SYL by the Executive Board.
National Elections
The Board member responsible for academic affairs is usually the one who is in charge of SHS activity regarding upcoming elections in Finland. The elections are Finnish parliamentary elections, presidential elections, EU parliamentary elections, municipal elections and possibly county elections. The voting percentage for young people is extremely low, so it is important for the Student Union to encourage students to vote and engage in elections and politics.
WSC stands for World Student Capital and is an association that wants to make the Helsinki region an even better place to study in. All Student Unions of the Helsinki region is represented in WSC. As an association, WSC represents close to 100 000 students. The SHS board represents itself in WSC.
International Affairs
SHS has also a lot of collaboration outside of Finland, for example in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Switzerland. We are a part of networks like the Nordic Board and the International Forum. These networks are a great way to network and benchmark ourselves with other Student Unions outside Finland.