Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board meeting 21/2024


summary of the Executive Board meeting 21/2024

Location: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, floor 2, Google Meet

Time: 29.5.2024 at 10.15


Sofie Eriksson, Jesper Rajakangas, Matias Monola, Linn Grönlund, Victor Dahlberg, Aliisa Lundén, Mats Lehto, Mathilda Lindblom and Emilia Winqvist, Pia Blomqvist, Julia Therman

The meeting was opened at 10.15 by President Eriksson

Matters for report:

  • The last Board meeting before the summer break.

The Board discussed and decided on the following matters during the meeting:

  • Review of the follow-up report on the Vaasa contribution
  • Election of the Central Election Committee
  • Election of the election committee
  • Decisions on proposals for the content of the Student Union’s songbook
  • Election of student representatives in the Departmental Council for Financial Economics and Economics
  • Vacancy of student representative positions in the Language Board, the Departmental Council for Management and Organization, and the Departmental Council for Accounting and Commercial Law

Activities of the Board: 


  • Met with the Council of Elders and discussed current issues
  • Dinner with SHS support organisation

Sofie Eriksson

  • Participated in the leadership seminar of the National Union of University Students in Finland
  • Organised a dinner for former union presidents at SHS
  • Four-person meeting of the Sports Committee
  • Bi-weekly meeting with SSHV President Julia
  • Rector’s lunch with VKO Jesper and SSHV President Julia
  • Attended the board meeting of the SHS support organisation
  • Sort out financial management matters
  • Handled matters related to the election committee for Hanken’s board
  • Helped clubs and other student organisations with various matters

Victor Dahlberg

  • Organized the Education Committee’s internal BastUU
  • Participated in the BiB Programme Committee’s meeting
  • Promoted the vacancy of Hanken’s Board student representatives
  • Participated in the AoLQ meeting
  • Held the Education Committee’s meeting

Jonatan Stenberg

  • Participated in OLL workshop about the municipal elections
  • Participated in a UU meeting
  • Had a meeting with IBU PR team
  • Participated in SYL international sector meeting
  • Participated in WSC spring meeting
  • Written SHS comments to SYL:s initiative round

Aliisa Lundén

  • Wrote a summary of the Membership Survey for the Board
  • Promoted and otherwise worked for Students at Pride
  • Started planning summer greetings from sopo
  • Planned the springs last meeting for the Hanken Wellbeing group

Jesper Rajakangas

  • Participated in the Finnish Student union Federation’s (FSF) leaders’ seminar
  • Rector lunch with Sofie and SSHV president Julia
  • Presented SHS and Casa with Linn to Hanken’s staff exchange staff from WU Business School in Vienna
  • Asked for and received quotes for overalls
  • Attended Hanken’s External Stakeholder Advisory Board meeting
  • Planned further on Career kick-start 2024
  • Thought about lots of things regarding the fall’s activities

Linn Grönlund

  • Updated contact information for clubs
  • Presented SHS and Casa with Jesper to Hankens staff exchange personal from WU

Matias Monola

  • Managed the booking calendar
  • Helped with the former presidents dinner at Casa
  • Continued the revision of the casa manual

Mats Lehto

  • General management of SHS communication and social media
  • Management of the SHS website
  • Presented the Board’s spring activities to members
  • Promotion of Jonatan Unge standup
  • Attended Hanken Digital Service committee meeting
  • Attended SYL Communication sector meeting