
The new SHS Code of Conduct

We want the SHS to be a safe and welcoming place. A place where everyone can feel free to be themselves and express their identity. As a tool to develop as an organisation, SHS is launching a new Code of Conduct. 

The SHS Code of Conduct is an official document that applies to all SHS members. It is meant to support event organisers and participants. Everyone participating in SHS events commits to following the guidelines that the code of conduct advocates. 

The Student Union is constantly looking for new ways to improve its operations and make its members feel safe in the study community. A Code of Conduct describes the principles, values and guidelines of SHS while clearly explaining the consequences of inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour. 

Making official documents work for the organisation requires an effort from everyone. The document encourages SHS members to intervene when they encounter situations that could lead to harassment or make others uncomfortable. However, everyone should remember to think about their own safety in these situations. 

If you or someone else is exposed to a situation in which you feel afraid, uncomfortable or unsafe, you can always contact the SHS Equality and Harassment Officer (link to contact). If such a situation occurs during an event, you can directly contact or approach a sober event organiser. Sober event organisers wear bright pink ribbons around their arms and introduce themselves at the beginning of the event and on Facebook. 

The SHS Equality and Harassment ombudsmen 2023 Frida Winberg and Axel Anderson are also available as support in all matters related to equality at the Student Union. They will gladly help you and listen to you if you have ideas to make SHS safer or improve the organisation in any way. 

The SHS Code of Conduct clearly emphasises that:

“It is important that SHS members act in a respectful manner. The Code of Conduct is applied in all activities. Whether you are an SHS member, a participant in our events or a business partner, you should know what is included in our Code of Conduct so that you can act accordingly. Not reading the Code of Conduct does not mean that it does not apply to you.”

The SHS Code of Conduct is inspired by the KY (Aalto-yliopiston kauppatieteiden ylioppilaat ry) Code of Conduct. 

SHS executive board 2023