Student life

The Committee of Social Affairs is Recruiting!


If you would like to join the first ever sopo-committee at SHS, please send a short application to by Sunday 16.10!

The main task of the Committee of Social Affairs is to safeguard and promote the well-being of students at various levels and to represent their interests both within the Student Union and externally.

The main event of the sopo-committee is the Wellness Week, which is organised once in the spring and once in the autumn. In addition to Wellness Week, the Committee of Social Affairs also organises smaller events and functions, such as charity talkos or mindfulness exercises, as well as taking initiatives on a national level.

Other socio-political matters dealt with by the committee include representing students in the FSHS (Finnish Student Health Care Service) and advocacy with UniSport.

If you would like to be involved in advocating for students’ interests and promoting well-being through various initiatives, please be in touch with the board member in charge of social affairs from the SHS Board!