Meeting summary
Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 35/2021
Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 30/2021
Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Microsoft Teams
Time: 03.11.2021 kl 10.00
Daniel Karlsson, Emma Lindvall, Emilia Winqvist, Sebastian Ståhlberg, Anton Nilsson, Emilia Donner & Daniel Hasselström
The meeting was opened by Chairman Karlsson at 10:05 AM
The following matters were addressed at the meeting:
- The board decided to choose Linn Järvi as the “Kvartalets Hankeit” for the 3rd quarter of 2021
- The board decided to postpone the project grant application for the next meeting for SHS Lucia
- The board decided to revise the decision of decision § 10 from SHS board meeting 31/2021.
- The board decided to grant the following clubs the following club grants:

Notification matters
- Karlsson announces that the application for an exception permit for Casa Nostra has been received too late and thus could not be processed during the meeting.
- Hasselström announces that the Student Union fair has been physically arranged on site at Hanken and has been very successful.
- Ståhlberg announces that the board has visited Stockholm
Daniel Karlsson
- Participated in a meeting with Hanken’s action group regarding guidelines for the coronavirus pandemic
- Participated in meeting with Nordic Board where the upcoming Nordic Forum was discussed
- Work in regards to the recruitment of a new Secretary General
- Made a series of clips for the student union’s Instagram regarding what the President of the Executive Board actually does, in other words had a “takeover”
- Administrative work and administrative work in the absence of the Secretary General
- Other correspondence
Emma Lindvall
- Planned and participated in the Education Committee’s participation in the Student Union Fair and given out prices to participants
- Breakfast meeting with the Support Students
- Takeover on shsmoments
- Made material to the news letter
- Coordinated study circles in Economics, Management and Organization and maths
- Discussion about feedback dialogues with Hanken
- Recruitment of student representatives to the Academic Council/Education Council
- Been in contact with Hanken regarding the recruitment of student representatives to the University Council
Emilia Donner
- Fixed a deal together with sales coordinator between SHS and Sponda
- Help with and coordinated sponsorship for PK for Skojrejs
- Fixed a record amount of sponsorship for the haalari and made sure that there will not be a halargate this year ;)
- Drank down herself in Stockholm and fixed new and nice decoration for the Student Union as a souvenir
Sebastian Ståhlberg
- Kopolive
- Högskolan i rörelse
- Meeting
- Kylterihuone
- Keeping Dante away from the prison
Emilia Winqvist
- Collected material for the newsletter
- Fixed around takeovers
- Had a meeting regarding sisu communication
- Made new SHS emails and groups
- Helped with the website and updated it
- Maintained social media
- Been in contact regarding sustainability with PGS and members
Anton Nilsson
- New sound and light system is installed, 3 days work.
- Installed new computer with windows 10 for the DJ booth ,The DJ booth is also cleaned
- Started training of the new system and new manuals for them.
- Ordered cleaning for all parties next month.
- Started recruitment of new curator, progresses slowly.
- Several basement evenings are arranged with a full house each time.
- Participated in a number of external events to maintain the student union’s external contacts
- Supervised parties and helped committees with various problems when it comes to events.
- Further discussed with the housing company and other stakeholders at Casa about common areas.
- Further discussed with various bodies and reminded how to clean and care for our spaces
- Been in contact with Deloitte regarding the second pod that is still a virgin.
- Initial writing of the FU testament
Daniel Hasselström
- Planned upcoming events in the Student Union
- Have had meetings with several committees regarding their upcoming events this fall
- Planned and attended meetings regarding the student’s independence torchlight parade that will take place on 6.12.2021. SHS will be responsible for the sound and light at the Helsinki Senate Square during the torchlight procession and also fixing 2 guards for the event.
- Attended Nordic Board meeting, we decided to organize a “Mini Nordic Forum” on 9.11-11.11.2021 in Finland together with KY, where the main focus would be to plan the Nordic Forum 2022 and ensure that the tradition does not die out.
- Had a meeting with KY and planned the Nordic Forum
- Coordinated project grant applications
- Coordinated club grant applications
- Coordinated and planned the Ekonombrevsutdelningen
- Had a meeting with PK where we planned Skojrejs and Gamylen
- Been in contact with NHHS and Sasse and planned upcoming joint events
- Participated and helped fix the second “Källarkväll” this fall
- Hosted the Student Union Fair physically at Hankens foajé
- Defended Basse from the evil guards in Stockholm
The meeting was conculded by Chairman Karlsson at 11:48 AM.