Meeting summary
Meeting summary 23/2021
Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 23/2021
Place: Microsoft Teams & Kåren
Time: 18.8.2021 at 12:30
Daniel Karlsson, Anton Nilsson, Daniel Hasselström, Alexandra Eriksson, Sebastian Ståhlberg, Emilia Donner, Emilia Winqvist, Rebecca Laaksonen
The meeting was opened by Chairman Karlsson at 12:38 PM
The following matters were addressed at the meeting:
- Discussion about renting the Student Union’s facilities
- An update of the Student Union Covid-19 restrictions
- Decision about a project grant application
The Board members’ activities:
Daniel Karlsson
- Interview with Yle regarding how to pandemic affects the incoming new students
- Written on the MLE (medium-term economic plan) and started the finishing touches on it
- Meeting with KPV (The Finnish Business School Graduates’ interest group for Presidents of student unions and subject associations for business students in Finland) where the current state of the pandemic was discussed
- Meetings with Hanken regarding the pandemic and how to school will work during the fall semester
- Preparations for the start of the fall semester which has e.g. meant contact with Hanken
- Preparations for SYL’s seminar for the Presidents of student unions in Finland
- Administrative tasks during the time that the secretary general has been on vacation
- Rapport to UF
- Meeting with “fyramannarådet”
- Meeting with the Elder Council’s President Julius Tallqvist
- Other meetings and other correspondence
Emma Lindvall
- Put together and handed in the survey on how students want their studies to look like after the pandemic
- Coordinated student representatives before different meetings
- Planned schoolings in student advocacy for the Education Committee and committees
- Planned meeting 6/2021 for the Education Committee
- Planned a discussion between two students at the introduction days for Freshmen at Hanken
- Written entries for Gulishankeiten
- Received complaints since Hanken has revised their Rules of procedure for studies and examination § 3,working on introducing a transition period
- Received applications for the position as student representative in the Board of Hanken, booked interviews and planned the interviews
- Made appointments with some key people at Hanken
- Helped Hanken with research about how some associations are connected to SHS, for voluntary work
- Discussed an idea about feedback discussions with students from different majors with Hanken
- Received feedback from students and forwarded it to relevant institutions
- Helped Hanken with practicalities when the tutors of SHS got schooling in Sisu during the summer
- Helped with reorganizing the tasks of the Secretary General during her vacation
Emilia Winqvist
- Posted information that concerned starting the new term
- Informed about events that concerned Hankeits
- Informed about the recruitment to the Board of Hanken
- Made newsletter number 8
Communications plan
- Worked on the communications plan and held numerous meetings with the group
- Discussed different matters concerning the document with the board and gensek
- Participated at Hankens workshop and panel
- Participated in two meetings with Hankens Sustainability group about ways to activate students in the work
- Had meeting about SHS sustainability work with SASSE
- Had an interview with UN in Finland about sustainability ‘
G-Suites & Homepage
- Helped active student union members with their G-suites
- Made new SHS emails
- Looked into security concerns on SHS G-suites
- Worked with Genero to update the homepage
Daniel Hasselström
Emilia Donner
- Planner the overalls team
- Been in contact with partners and had meetings (EY, Sponda, McKinsey, Niord)
- Planned Hanken Network Day together with Hanken
- Planned the kick-off for the Business Committee
- Represented the Student Union at the annual ball of TF
Anton Nilsson
- Casa kitchen remont:
- Finishes on 19.8 when the new dishwasher arrives
- Procurement of vessels with SESS money will take place week 34
- Review with economics about the project’s finances part + invoice KSO.
- The archive:
- Is now cleaned and organized.
- Half of the archive now functions as a new storage space for FU.
- Niord page:
- Cleaning of the rubbish corner is ready, the rush has been removed.
- A new corner for SHS cleaning tools has been set up and will be filled.
- Legend:
- The material of the old kitchens has been removed and drum cleaning has begun.
- Adjustment of speakers and lights will be done during the fall.
- Kåren:
- The Lounge: Procurement of the last furniture for the Lounge from IKEA will be made week 34.
- Ordering cleaning utensils, paper detergent etc is also done in week 34
- Contact the security company regarding the lock system
- Other projects:
- Availability improvements of spaces begin
- A deposit system for lending materials will be developed during the autumn to facilitate material lending and the condition in which they are returned.
- Worked with Communication Plan
- Helpt with lounge project
- Casa’s Sound and Light system should be updated and an investigation started.
Alexandra Eriksson
- Meeting with Hanken and Unisport regarding “Liikkuva korkeakoulu”
- Been in contact with Unisport and Elixia before this autumn’s wellness week
- Participated in FSHS Webinar “Liikku ja palaudu”
Sebastian Ståhlberg
- World Student Capital
- Meetings
- Kopo live
- ds
The Meeting was concluded on 18.8 at 13:11 PM by Chairman Karlsson.