Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 13/2021

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 13/2021

Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Microsoft Teams

Time: 08.04.2021 at 11.30 am

The meeting was opened by Chairman Karlsson at 11.31  am


Daniel Karlsson, Anton Nilsson, Emma Lindvall, Daniel Hasselström, Alexandra Eriksson, Sebastian Ståhlberg,Emilia Donner,Robin Eriksson, Angelina Mattbäck, Kristiane Width

Notifications matters: 

  • There were no notification matters to report. 

The following matters were addressed at the meeting:

  • The SHS Executive Board approved permission to International Helsinki Days to use the Student Union’s spaces (including Femman and the Casa Kitchen) for the following days:  9.4-17.4 .2021
  • The SHS Executive Board  approved permission to the Sports Committee  use Student Union’s space (Femman) the following day: 8.4.2021 at 4.30 to 6.15 pm
  • SSHV Chairman Robin Eriksson presented a follow-up report to the SHS Executive Board regarding the Annual Vaasa Grant.
  • The SHS Executive Board chose to elect Fanny Kesti as its proposition to the Student Council for approval to the position as Deputy student representative to the Research Council 
    • One deputy positions to the  Research Council: Fanny Kesti
  • The SHS Executive Board chose to elect Ida Rautanen as its proposition for the University Council’s approval to the position as Deputy student representative to the Educational Committee
  • The SHS Executive Board chose to elect Cassandra Windell and Anette Vartio as its proposition for the University Council’s approval to the positions as Deputy student 
  • The SHS Executive Board chose to elect Camilla Lehtinen and Felix Anderson as its proposition for the University Council’s approval to the position as Ordinary and Deputy student representatives for the Department of Management and Organisation

Activities of the Executive Board:

  • Easter vacation. 

Daniel Karlsson

  • Möte med Yle angående vappen
  • Varit i kontakt med KY:s ordförande Niko Ylä-Poikelus
  • Möte med Äldremannarådets ordförande Julius Tallqvist
  • Börjat arbeta på medellånga ekonomiplanen
  • Övrig korrespondens

Emma Lindvall

  • Recruitment of student representatives so that all positions now are filled
  • Made a survey about how students want their studies to look like in the future, will be published shortly
  • Planning a campus evening together with SSHV and Hanken
  • Still looking for two marketing students that can lead a study circle in marketing
  • Helping the students organizing the study circle in statistics
  • Helping Hanken find students to do a takeover on Hanken’s Instagram because the freshmen are about to choose their major
  • Handled feedback from students
  • Figuring out if student representatives could get meeting commission and have been in contact with other student unions to find out how they do
  • Still working on getting access to Hanken’s regulatory framework
  • Booked schooling about the financial model of Hanken with Helena Strandell for the executive boards of SHS and SSHV

Daniel Hasselström

  • Planned Vappen
  • Fixed Havis Amanda’s facemask
  • Meeting with Yle and confermed that they will film the Mantas lakitus in the end of April
  • Had a workshop and planned the Vappen Sitz 
  • Had a meeting with INK about the Wellnessweek and Vappen

Emilia Winqvist

  • Held an interview for the photo team
  • Helped INK with the problems related to the publication of Hankeiten
  • Planned and published the easter egg hunt on SHS homepage
  • Planned, designed and published different social media posts and events 
  • Gathered information and sent out the newsletter of April
  • Been in touch with TF:s sustainability committee about moving the event due to COVID-19 and then continued the planning
  • Helped active and previously active with different issues related to the webpage and SHS G-suites 
  • Helped Alexandra with the planning of the Wellness Week

Emilia Donner

  • Meeting with Yle regarding the filming of Havis Amanda
  • Had one-on-one meetings with BC members
  • E-mailed with cooperation partners and potential ones (e.g. Nordic Healthcare Group, Lime Technologies, Universum Global, Stora Enso, EY, L’Oréal, YSUB, Europeiska Kommissionen, Suomen Yrittäjät and Bluugo
  • Meeting with the keynote speaker for Hanken Network Day
  • Made a job contract for the sales coordinator
  • Coordinated the marketing material for the BC together with the PR team
  • Had meetings with the vappen team and planned the programme
  • Meetings with cooperation partners (Stora Enso, YSUB, EY)
  • Followed up the incentive programme within the BC
  • Language checking within the board
  • Been in contact with Hanken regarding the cooperation agreement between Hanken & SHS
  • Followed up invoices for cooperation agreements
  • Gone through all cooperation agreements and controlled that all information is available
  • Planned BC meeting

Anton Nilsson

  • Casa kitchen remont: We have an offer, waiting for approval from all stakeholders
  • Spring cleaning at Casa

Alexandra Eriksson

  • WSC Meeting regarding the budget
  • Meeting with INK regarding wellness week
  • Made the event for wellness week
  • Meeting with SHS Kylli regarding wellness week and the MERA-2 course
  • Meeting with Daniel Ventus regarding wellness week

Sebastian Ståhlberg

  • World Student Capital meeting
  • Kopo-live
  • Municipals election  

Other matters:

  • There were no other matters to report. 

The Meeting was concluded at 11.48 am by Chairman Karlsson.