Meeting summary

Meeting Abstract of the Executive Board’s meeting 24/2020

The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics
Meeting Abstract of the Executive Board’s meeting 24/2020
Place: Haukilahdenkatu 1A and Microsoft Teams
Time: 18.09.2020, 2PM

Meeting opened by Fanny Hindsberg at 2:01PM

Attending: Fanny Hindsberg, Nea Olsson, Eliott Tallqvist, Maisa Dyhr, Oscar Byman, Joakim Kiuru, and Kristiane Width

The Executive Board made decisions in the following matters during the meeting:

  • Elected studentrepresentatives to the SESS Board. The final decision regarding the matter will be taken by the Student Council
  • Elected the SHS delegation members to the SYL General Assembly

No others were discussed.

President of the Executive Board, Hindsberg, ended the meeting at 2:14pm.