Meeting summary

Meeting abstract of the Executive Board’s meeting 20/2019

The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics
Meeting abstract of the Executive Board’s meeting 19/2019
Place: SEB, Sanduddsgatan 7A, II floor
Time: 5.11.2019 at 12:00
Attending: Andreas Lindén, Nicolina Massa, Julius Tallqvist, Jerker Törnqvist, Ellen Wulff, William Stjernberg, Emilia Hattula, Kristiane Width, Alina Anderson
The Executive Board made decisions in the following matters during the meeting:
– Emilia Hattula was selected as the representative for SHS in the Finnish Student Health Service for the Helsinki-Espoo region. The mandate begins 1.1.2020 and ends 31.12.2021.
– Two positions to the SESS trust administrative council were approved to be posted on the website. Deadline for the position is 30.11.2019.
– Project grant was approved to Hankfutsal
– Casa Nostra was apprvoed for an exceptional permit for an internal after-party in the fifth-floor sauna at Casa from 8:00–16:00 Sunday, 9.11.2019
No other matters.
The meeting eneded at 12:17.