Meeting summary

Meeting abstract of the Executive Board’s meeting 5/2019

The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics
Meeting abstract of the Executive Board’s meeting 4/2019
Place: SEB, Sanduddsgatan 7 A, II floor
Time: 20.02.2019 at 10:04
Andreas Lindén, Ingrid Bärlund, Julius Tallqvist, Nicolina Massa, Jerker Törnqvist, William Stjernberg, Emilia Hattula, Kristiane Width
Absent: Ellen Wulff
The Executive Board made decisions in the following matters during the meeting:
– Anne-Maria Ådahl was chosen as ordinary and Felix Anderson as substitute to the Student Mobility Group (SMG)
The Executive Board’s activities:
– Lindén and Tallqvist have been present on ÅAS 110:th Annual Ball
– Massa has taken over the “Studera i Helsingfors” instagram account for week 8
The meeting ended at 10:12