Meeting summary

Meeting abstract of The Executive Board’s meeting 1/2018

The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics
Meeting abstract of The Executive Board’s meeting 1/2018
Place: SEB, Perhogatan 6, III floor.
Time: 18.1.2017 at 8.30.
Henna Konsti, Ida Andersén, Christian Nygård, Filip Styrström, Melina Weckman, Amos Schalin, Edvard Björk, Julius Tallqvist, Oscar Byman.
The Executive board made decisions in the following matters during the meeting:
– Ida Andersén was elected as the vice-president of the Executive board.
– Andreas Lindén was elected as the financial- and administrative secretary.
– Henna Konsti was elected as a student representative to Hankens Alumni council.
– Henna Konsti was elected as the Student Union’s representative to the executive board of Ekonomföreningen Niord.
– Amos Schalin was elected to be responsible of the clubs at SHS.
– Amos Schalin and Filip Styrström were elected as student representatives to Hankens food committee.
– Melina Weckman was elected as a regular representative and Ida Andersén as a substitute for ITR.
– Ida Andersén was elected as a regular representative and Christian Nygård as a substitute for the SMG.
– Christian Nygård was elected as a member to the delegation of FSHS.
– Filip Styrström and Anna Piiroinen were elected as student representatives to the Academic Council of Hanken.
– Filip Styrström was elected as a student representative to Hanken’s disciplinary board.
– Christian Nygård was elected as a member of FSHS Executive board.
– Christian Nygård was elected as a representative to HOAS delegation.
– Christian Nygård and Ida Andersén were elected as equality and harassment ombudsmen.
– Ida Andersén was elected as the president of the President Committee.
– The Executive Board proposes Camilla Mäkinen to the Student Council as the new Secretary General.
– The Executive Board has granted project support for Hankminton.
– The Executive Board has approved the founding of a new club, HankAccount.
Other matters:
– The Executive Board will ask for more information from HankSki for them to be able to be admitted project support.
– The Executive Board has discussed about an agreement with INK about the work on the new website.
– The Executive Board has discussed about the possibilities of renting out Casa Academica.
– The Executive Board has admitted exceptional permit for CN to have an afterparty after their first party.
The meeting ended at 11.12.