
Welcome to our new website!

Unless this is your first time on our website, you have probably noticed that we have renewed the entire site. The reason behind this is mostly the upcoming WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) that will be in effect starting this September. What WCAG is in a nutshell, it is a set of requirements that a website must meet to be available for everyone, for example it must comply with software that read web content out loud to people with visual impairments.

Our old website served its purpose well, but did not comply with these requirements and it had some limitations. With our new website, we are free to make better and more relevant content for our members and stakeholders.

We could create our new website largely due to the contribution we got from Stiftelsen Tre Smeder and would like to thank them very much for aiding us in this project.

The websites were created by Genero, and they did an excellent good job both with SHS and the SSHV pages.

I hope you all enjoy the new website, and if you find any bugs or have any comments on the website please be in touch through the Contact page or shoot us a DM on FB/IG or e-mail us at