Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 20/2024


Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 20/2024

Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Google Meet

Time: 22.05.2024 at 10.15


Sofie Eriksson, Jesper Rajakangas, Matias Monola, Linn Grönlund, Victor Dahlberg, Aliisa Lundén, Mats Lehto, Mathilda Lindblom and Emilia Winqvist

The meeting was opened at 10.15 by chairman Eriksson

The following matters were addressed at the meeting:

  • Selection of Hankeit of the quarter
  • Decision on project grants




  • Dinner with the board of Ekonomföreningen Niord

Sofie Eriksson

  • Attended the Hanken Management Team meeting
  • Four-member meeting for the Exchange Committee
  • Meeting with Casa Nostra government regarding the spring
  • Attended the Swedish Business Students’ Foundation Board meeting
  • Four-member meeting for the Programme Committee
  • Planned a letter to the editor together with other student union presidents in the Helsinki metropolitan area regarding the outcome of the framework negotiations
  • Participated in the Union of Finnish University Students’ coffee hour for student union presidents
  • Attended the meeting of the Kylteripuheenjohtajien verkosto
  • Participated in the Finnish Business School Graduates Association meeting & workshop in Hämeenlinna
  • Represented at Etelä-Hämeen Ekonomit’s 75th anniversary celebration
  • Four-member meeting for the Masters’ Committee
  • Meeting with the Election Committee
  • Sorting out financial management issues 
  • Planned the president dinner

Victor Dahlberg

  • Held a workshop with the UU Board regarding future structure, operations, and course offerings
  • Announced student representative positions
  • Planned activities for the end of spring and fall

Jonatan Stenberg

  • Participated in academic affairs sector meeting
  • Held a policydocument meeting
  • Had a meeting about

Aliisa Lundén

  • Been in contact with KY about the activities of StödHankeiterna
  • Participated in policy document meeting
  • Continued planning on Pride

Jesper Rajakangas

  • Represented the student union as a hypothetical stakeholder at a pitching event 
  • Met with a company about contract renewal
  • Done a sales strategy for Career Kickstart 2024 and planned it further with KY
  • Held the Business Committee’s final meeting of the spring, 12/2024
  • Attended the SESS board meeting
  • Brainstormed the execution of a company of the week in the autumn
  • Attended the four-man council meeting for approval of the new Annual ball committee
  • Planned a corporate relations dinner with predecessor Pauliina
  • Prepared the Business Committee for summer leave
  • Discussed with the leaders of Gekko and Freshers Committee about training and activities of the autumn

Linn Grönlund

  • Been in contact with different presidents regarding activities
  • Handled the event calendar
  • Coordinated a Student Union 101 for the fall
  • Been in contact with Hanken regarding events

Matias Monola

  • Started the revision of the Casa Manual
  • Managed the booking calendar
  • Organized dinner for the former holders of the post of Management & Maintenance at Casa
  • Participated in FSF sustainability sectorday

Mats Lehto

  • General management of SHS communication and social media
  • Management of the SHS website
  • Promotion of the Jonatan Unge standup