Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 19/2024


Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 19/2024

Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Google Meet

Time: 15.5 .2024 at 10.15


Sofie Eriksson, Jesper Rajakangas, Jonatan Stenberg, Matias Monola, Linn Grönlund, Victor Dahlberg, Aliisa Lundén, Mats Lehto and Mathilda Lindblom

The meeting was opened at 10.15 by chairman Eriksson

The following matters were addressed at the meeting:

  • Decision on project grant for the club Hankstats
  • Election of student representative to the Education Council
  • Vacancy of the position of student representative in the Departmental Council for Financial Economics and Economics
  • Vacancy of the position of student representative in the Departmental Council for Management and Organization
  • Vacancy of the post of student representative in the Departmental Council for Accounting and Commercial Law
  • Vacancy of the post of student representative in the Language Directorate
  • Appointed an additional member to the Electoral CommitteeElection of an Electoral Committee for Hanken board members
  • Election of SHS representative at the World Student Capital spring meeting
  • Decision on participation in Enklaavi ry’s annual ball




  • Prepared and provided an update on the implementation plan to the Council
  • Participated in Student Council meeting 5/2024

Sofie Eriksson

  • Participated in Helsinki Economists’ fun day at Borgbacken
  • Unofficial meeting with the Network of Business Students’ Union Chairpersons ahead of the Economists’ Federation meeting
  • Written a greeting to Hankeiten
  • Planned the Election Committee’s activities
  • Four-person council meeting for the Masters Committee and International Helsinki Days to select vice chairs and interviewers
  • Assisted committee chairpersons with recruitment matters
  • Assisted union members with various matters
  • Resolved issues with payments and other financial management matters

Victor Dahlberg

  • Updated the Education Committee’s meeting techniques, including agendas
  • Improved the Education Committee’s organizational awareness and communication.
  • Developed the Education Committee’s graphic design and image
  • Had a planning meeting about a new event – BastUU
  • Had a meeting regarding university courses together with the management group’s candidate program representatives of UU
  • Had a planning meeting about the autumn activities with UU’s communications officer
  • Participated in a workshop on Hanken Pedagogy
  • Announced vacancies for old, and integrated new student representatives

Jonatan Stenberg

  • Participated in Suomen Ekonomits day for the interantional sector
  • Meeting with world student capitals chair
  • Meetings regarding
  • Participated in Helsingin Ekonomit’s event at Linnanmäki

Aliisa Lundén

  • DEI planning meeting with Henna Konsti
  • DEI meeting with the project team
  • Pride planning

Jesper Rajakangas

  • Assisted Sofie in administrative matters
  • Participated in Helsingin Ekonomit’s event at Linnanmäki
  • Planned the event for the autumn with KY, and discussed it with Linn and others in SHS
  • Supervised the Exchange Committee’s Farewell dinner
  • Played at the Sports Committee’s Summer kickoff cup
  • Prepared to present the revision of the disciplinary regulations for the Student council meeting 5/2024
  • Discussed with tutor committees about training and the operations for the autumn

Linn Grönlund

  • Participated in Helsinki Economists’ fun day at Borgbacken
  • Tried to gather participants for Kårsemi
  • Discussed with Jesper about the falls events
  • Been in contact with presidents regarding activities and events

Matias Monola

  • Participated in Helsinki Economists’ fun day at Linnanmäki
  • Managed the booking calendar

Mats Lehto

  • General management of SHS communication and social media
  • Management of the SHS website
  • Updated SHS email lists
  • Meeting with SVT about Jonatan Unge’s standup tour
  • Worked on SHS stock photo gallery