Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 17/2024


Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 17/2024

Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Google Meet

Time: 2.5.2024 at 12.00


Sofie Eriksson, Jesper Rajakangas, Matias Monola, Aliisa Lundén, Victor Dahlberg, Mats Lehto, Linn Grönlund, Jonatan Stenberg, Erik Carlhielm and Mathilda Lindblom

The meeting was opened at 12.00 by chairman Eriksson

Notification matters:

  • May Day week was a success

The following matters were addressed at the meeting:

  • Decided on the foundation of a new club
  • Discussion on the election of the chairman of the Central Electoral Board.
  • Election of student representatives
  • Discussion of the status of the new songbook




  • Organized a sewing evening at the union
  • Cleaned the union
  • Invited union members to coffee on the balcony
  • SHS tent in the Observatory Park
  • Organized the student union sitz

Sofie Eriksson

  • Gave a speech at the Vapun vastaanotto in Kaivopuisto
  • Participated in Havis Amanda’s hatpinning VIP event with Mathilda
  • Participated in the SHS support association’s spring meeting
  • Arranged catering and other prep for SHSUF spring meeting
  • Meeting with the council’s presidium and Jesper before the FM meeting 5/2024
  • Situation talk with board members
  • Helped union members with various matters

Victor Dahlberg

  • Held a meeting with the Education Committee
  • Met with SSHV’s UPO
  • Been in contact with NHHS UPO regarding educational issues
  • Discussed budget with the Financial Secretary

Jonatan Stenberg

  • Meeting with HYY about the municipal election 2025
  • Meeting with world student capitals chair
  • Participated in meeting in Bergen
  • Filmed material for the eu-election debate
  • Marketed and taken care of other thing regarding the eu-election
  • Supervised the pre-vappen sitz

Aliisa Lundén

  • Meeting with Henna Konsti on DEI planning
  • Meeting with StudOrg on Pride
  • Been in contact with friend associations about Pride
  • Assembled new balcony furniture
  • Cleaned Casas bar
  • Promoted SHS Member survey
  • Supervised May Day afterparty

Jesper Rajakangas

  • Met with the presidium and union president
  • Assembled new furniture for the balcony 
  • Booked meetings with companies
  • Written on the new disciplinary regulations
  • Attended various events during Vappen week
  • Transported stuff during Vappen

Linn Grönlund

  • Built new balcony furniture
  • Coordinated with Hanken regarding Gamylen
  • Took care of transport to and from the Observatory Hill

Matias Monola

  • Assembled new balcony furniture
  • Fixed the installation of new lights for casa
  • Had training for new lights for committee members
  • Reassembled broken tables at casa
  • Managed the booking calendar

Mats Lehto

  • General management of SHS communication and social media
  • Management of the SHS website
  • Created email addresses for new student activists
  • Compiled the SHS newsletter
  • Promoted Vappen events
  • Supervised first of May afterparty with Aliisa