
SHS is now on Orbi!

Download the app in App Store by clicking HERE!

Download the app in Google Play by clicking HERE!


We strongly recommend that you create your account with your @student.hanken.fi email since the invitations for the membership is going to be sent to that address !!!  

When creating an account:

  • Choose Finland
  • Choose Svenska Handelshögskolans Studentkår as chool
  • Choose Helsingfors / Vasa

Allow notifications so you don’t miss any event!

Questions and answers
What is Orbi?
Orbi is an app where you can find information about all Student Union events in one place.

How often are invitations to membership sent out?
For the spring semester, an invitation to all those registered for attendance for the spring semester has been sent out in March.
The invitations are sent out after the attendance registration closes, 2 times a year to your student Hanken email, so keep an eye on your inbox! The email is sent to all registered students, don’t panic if you don’t see an invitation right away.

I have not received an invitation email, what should I do?
All students who have registered for the spring semester have received an invitation link to their student Hanken email.
Follow these steps:
1. Check that you have an account registered with your student Hanken email.
2. Check the spam inbox.
3. If you are registered for attendance and have followed steps 1 and 2 but still have not received an email. Please contact orbi@shs.fi for help.

Do I need to have a membership to buy a ticket?
SHS events aimed at SHS students require you to have an Orbi SHS membership in order to buy a ticket.

Do I need the Orbi app to register for events?
In the spring, some events will be published on Orbi, and in the fall all events will be available on Orbi. Through the app, you can easily register and get all the necessary information for the event.