About SHS

Student Union

The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics (SHS), the initial name of which was ”Kamratföreningen Niord”, was founded in 1909. In the course of its history, the union has carried a great variety of names and been engaged in many different fields of activity. SHS received its current status as a veritable student union in 1979, in the process of a university reform.

Today SHS is a service and advocacy organization for its 2000+ members. SHS is an independent body defined by the Universities Act in Finnish law. All students at Hanken are members of SHS.


SHS has had a long and interesting history, and has brought people together for over 100 years now.


1909 The higher swedish tradeschool is established
1910 A common weekly reading hour is organized for its the associations member every Monday
1911 A newspaper called Niord begins its operations
1914 A association ribbon in the colours white-black-white is introduced
1924 A seniorklubb within the association is founded
1927 The association has 84 members, of which 21 are female
1929 The tradeschool is transformed to The Swedish School of Economics and therefore the association becomes a Student Union (r.f.)
1932 The spex opera “Mohrens last gasp” is played by the student association
1934 During the Student Unions 25th anniversary the small and large merit badge is introduced
1937 The first song book is printed
1939 The titles “diplom ekonom” and diploma correspondent are introduced*
1943 The annual ball is interrupted by a bomb attack and the rest of the evening is spent in Fazers basement
1945 Internship cooperation is began between the nordic Student Associations in Hanken
1949 The Student Unions revenue exeeds 324 000 old marks (Finnish currency)
1953 The Studen Union is given their own facilities in the Hanken building
1954 The first annual ball party in the Studen Unions own facilities
1955 The officers of Hanken is funded
1960 The “Mammoth Carnival” is held to gather funds for the refugee help
1960 The Student Unions support association is given the task to solve the Unions “facility” problem
1961 Hanken gets a place in the Guiness World Record book with the “sparkbrädssparkrekordet”
1962 Intressebyrån “IB” is founded and has as its mission to duplicate seminary material and other works
1963 “Tomtanhållan” is given to the city of Helsinki
1963 The Beer cellar is given to the Student Unions dispose
1964 The Student Union evening is held twice a week and Ölcci is open
1965 The club “Academic debate” is dissolved
1965 The city council offers a plot next to the school to the Studen Union
1966 The sewing club “Hanknål” (Hankeneedle) is founded, but exist for a long time
1966 The Student Union meeting is substituted by the Student Council that is chosen by democratic election
1969 The Student Union introduces its first part-time employee, the title is Secretary General
1970 The first student representatives officially take part in the schools decision taking organs
1971 The Student Union stops prenumerating the Student Paper (Studentbladet)
1971 As many as 47% of all applicants to Hanken have Finnish as their first language
1972 Student Union candidates are running for the first time under political slogans
1974 The era of the “Mammoth parties” end
1975 Hanken is nationalized and the Student Union officially takes place in Hankens governing organs
1976 The post Economics Secretary is introduced at the Student Union
1977 The correspondendt faculty ceases to exist
1977 Hankeits play pool and flipper for 5000 MK monthly
1977 Casa Nostra is founded by Staffan “Guran” Kurten
1980 The Swedish School of Econmics is founded in Vaasa
1980 A total of 43,4% of all applicants to Hanken have the general grade Laudatur in their highschool diplomas
1983 Almost 10 000 students have enrolled in Hanken since 1909
1987 International Helsinki Days is organized for the first time
1988 Kari Kairamo speaks at the Annual Ball
1990 Ben Schnitt is given the titles honorary president at the Student Union
1996 The studies begin at the newly renovated Hanken building
1997 The recruiting fair is organized for the first time
1998 The lecturer of the year-prize is given out for the first time
1999 Jarl Storgård is given the title honorary president
2012 Hanken Fashion Night becomes a tradition
2016 The course of the year prize is given for the first time
2016 The Student Unions “koppi” is opened
2017 Waterdamage at the Student Union, the facilities are transferred briefly to Casas third floor
2018 The Student Union is renovated and the new facilities are taken into use
2019 The fifth floor of Casa Academica is renovated

SHS Presidents

Presidents at Kamratskapsförbundet and the student association NIORD r.f.
Nerdrum, Thorolf 1909
Mikander, Henning 1909-10
Forss, Rafael 1910-11
Schildt, Holger 1911-12
Idman, Carl 1912-13
Catani, Harald 1913-
Kommonen, Rolf 1913-14
Strömberg, Paul 1914-16
Hackman, Woldemar 1916-17
Schybergson, Henrik 1917-18
Hagström, Ossian A. 1918-19
Kihlman, Åke 1919-20
Söderström, Ragnar 1920-21
Manns, Georg 1921-22
Ahlberg, Bruno 1922-23
Winqvist, Axel 1923-24
Krogius, Birger 1924-25
Alenius, Erik 1925-26
Alfthan Thorsten 1926-27

Presidents of SHS
Meinander, Thorolf 1927-29
Frölander-Ulf, Erik 1929-30
Meinander, Thorolf 1930-32
Frölander-Ulf, Erik 1932-35
Weckman, Carl-Gustaf 1935-36
Rosenqvist, Harry 1936-38
Weckman, Carl-Gustaf 1938-39
Klussmann, Hans 1939-41
Hemming, Brynolf 1941-43
Wahlberg, Per-Olof 1943-44
Lindfors, Åke 1944-45
Lindblad, Kaj 1945-47
Hohenthal, Harald 1947-48
Andersson, Gösta G. 1948-53
Strack, Sture 1953-55
Schnitt, Ben 1955-59
Backlund, Olof 1959-61
Molin, Max G. 1961-63
Åhman, Göran 1963-67
Storgårds, Jarl 1967-72
Höckerstedt, Torsten 1930-31
Lihr, Holger 1931-31
Weckman, Carl-Gustaf 1932-35
Sandbacka, Lars 1936-
Grönhagen, Boris 1936-38
von Willebrand, Bror-Erik 1938-40
Hemming, Brynolf 1941-42
Lindfors, Åke 1943-44
Ramm-Schmidt, Heinz 1944-45
Ahlfors,Axel 1945-46
Lindgren Nils 1946-47
Fredriksson, Holger 1947-48
Backlund, Olof 1956-57
Lundström, Henrik 1957-58
Lagerman, Göran 1958-59
Thilman, Börje 1959-60
Åhman, Göran 1960-62
Holmberg, Björn 1962-63
Riska, Rolf 1963-64
Moberg, Frank 1964-65
Uunila, Martin 1965-66
Friskberg, Kaj 1966-67
Lindgren, Carl-Johan 1967-68
Bargum, Magnus 1968-69
Rosenlew, Carolus 1969-70
Hamro-Drottz, Filip 1970-71
Björk, Olle T. 1971-
Johansson, Bo 1971-72
Teittinen, Pekka 1972-73
Pyy, Héléne 1973-
Eriksson, Rolf 1973-
Hjelt, Johan 1973-75
Sjöblad, Ulf 1975-
Planting, Mikael 1975-
Seege, Roger 1975-77
Sevelius, Peter 1977-78
Thulé, Anders 1978-79
Tjeder, Peter 1979-80
Weber, Göran 1980-81
Kahila, Leena 1981-82
Bensky, Leo-Dan 1982-83
Magnusson, Jan 1983-
von Troil, Holger 1983-84
Aminoff, Philip 1984-85
Arppe, Peter 1985-86
Hertsberg, Patrik 1986-87
Hisinger-Jägerskiöld, Barbara 1987-88
Varjovaara, Miika 1988-89
Berntzen, Caspar 1989-90
Möller, Roland 1990-91
Talvio, Petra 1991
Kurtén, Anders 1992
Rissanen, Ville 1993
Wartiovaara, Markus 1994
Vesikallio, Sanna 1995
Eriksson, Jon 1996
Perret, Thomas 1997
Björkell, Micaela 1998
Santavirta, Saku 1999
Lindqvist, Carl 2000
von Troil, Sten 2001
Norrgrann, Anders 2002
Backlund, Lotta 2003
Andberg, Benjamin 2004
Löfgrén, Ib 2005
Wörlund, Alexander 2006
Westersund, Carla 2007
Storsjö, Oskar 2008
Westerback, Pontus 2009
Toukkari, Mikko 2010
Gundersby, Cecilia 2011
Savander, Rasmus 2012
Stenberg, Erik 2013
Lundström, Kennet 2014
Hanhirova, Johannes 2015
Sinnemaa, Rasmus 2016
Lumivirta, Karri 2017
Konsti, Henna 2018
Lindén, Andreas 2019
Hindsberg, Fanny 2020
Karlsson, Daniel 2021
Winqvist, Emilia 2022
Ruokonen, Ville 2023
Eriksson, Sofie 2024

Honorable members

Heikel, Felix (†) 1914
Schildt, Hjalmar (†) 1917
Krogius, Lars (†) 1925
Lesch, Bruno (†) 1926
Gesellius, Rudolf (†) 1934
Stjernvall, Julius (†) 1934
Wasastjerna, Johan Osvald (†) 1934
Nordström, Arthur (†) 1939
Pipping, Hugo E (†) 1944
Gräsbeck, Walter (†) 1947
Grönblom, Edgar (†) 1950
Ramsay, Henrik (†) 1950
Anderson, Amos (†) 1954
Krogius, Birger (†) 1954
Schybergsson, Henrik (†) 1955
Hustich, Ilmari (†) 1960
Olsson, Curt (†) 1962
Meinander, Nils (†) 1967
Olin, Carl-Erik (†) 1967
Fougstedt, Gunnar (†) 1969
Mickwitz, Gösta (†)
1972 Aminoff, C G (†) 1974
Julin von, Jacob (†) 1974
Melin, Ingvar S 1977
Petterson, Filip 1977
Schnitt, Ben (†) 1977
Storgårds, Jarl (†) 1977
Cedercreutz, Magnus (†) 1978
Riska, Olof (†) 1978
Wahlbäck, Lars (†) 1984
Åhman, Göran 1984
Westerlund, Göran 1985
Horn, Tankmar 1986
Rehn, Elisabeth 1986
Meinander, Göran (†) 1988
Grönroos, Christian 1991
Andersson, Gösta G (†) 1992
Björklund, Felix 1993
Bruun, Niklas 1994
Lindberg, Harry 1994
Hamro-Drotz, Filip 1995
Airisto, Lenita 1998
Lerviks, Alf-Erik 1998
Grönroos, Christian 1998
Tandefelt, Marika 1999
Hjelt, Johan 1999
Stenius, Marianne 2001
Hertzberg, Patrick 2009
Frisk, Mikael 2013

Constant members

Vuolio, Aino, miss (†) 1951
Andersson, Gösta G. (†) 1951
Schnitt, Ben (†) 1960
Backlund, Olof 1961
Molin, Max G 1963
Lindberg, Harry 1966
Westerlund, Göran 1966
Åhman, Göran 1968
Johansson, Frideborg 1971
Cedercreutz, Magnus (†) 1972
Petterson, Filip 1972
Tallberg, Peter 1972
Vaenerberg, Jean-Henrik 1972
Widing, Bengt 1972
Storgårds, Jarl (†)1973
Yli-Luopa, Erkki 1975
Lindblad, Kaj (†) 1977
Hellman, Bror (†) 1982
Peltonen, Christer 1984
Stockmann, Karl W 1984
Björklund, Felix 1986
Wahlroos, Björn 1986
Gardberg, Martin 1990
Hamro-Drotz, Filip 1990
Hartwall, Erik 1994
Andersin, Henrik 1998
Hjelt, Johan 1998
Tandefelt, Marika 1998
Bergström, Stig-Erik 2001
Hertsberg, Patrik 2001
Pentti, Heikki (†) 2001
Jonsson, Henrik 2002
Boije af Gennäs, Johan 2002
Bredenberg, Sten 2002
Österberg, Marika 2003
Liljeblom, Eva 2005
Frisk, Mikael 2007
Aminoff, Philip 2007
Varjovaara, Mia 2009
Taimitarha, Paul 2011
Tallqvist, Torkel 2013


Inspektorer at Kamratförbundet and the student association NIORD r.f.
Heinrichs, Alfred 1915-16
Qvist, Walter 1916-18
Damstén, Birger 1918-19
Nordenstreng, Sigurd 1919-20
Heinrichs, Alfred 1920-22
Lindroos, Väinö 1922-26
Nordström, Arthur 1926-27
Inspektorer vid Svenska Handelshögskolans Studentkår
Nordström, Arthur 1927-
Rosberg, J.E. 1930-32
Pipping, Hugo E. 1932-41
Palmgren, Gunnar 1942-45
Schybergson, Henrik 1945-54
Hustich, Ilmari 1954-60
Meinander, Nils 1960-62
Fougstedet, Gunnar 1962-69
Mickwitz, Gösta 1969-71
Riska, Olof 1971-73
Storgårds, Jarl 1973-74
Riska, Olof 1974-77
Storgårds, Jarl 1977-84
Grönroos, Christian 1984-91
Bruun, Niklas 1991-93
Tandefelt, Marika 1993-02
Liljeblom, Eva 2002-10
Berglund, Tom 2010-13
Spens, Karen 2014-16
Martikainen, Minna 2016-2020
Markus Wartiovaara 2021-


Meinander, Göran 1980-86
Hamro-Drotz, Filip 1986-94
Airisto, Lenita 1995-97
Hjelt, Johan 1998-00
Hertsberg, Patrik 2001-06
Frisk, Mikael 2007-12
Huber, Satu 2013-16
Hisinger-Jägerskiöld, Barbara 2016-2022
Strandell, Denis 2022-

Casa Academica

In addition to being a place for parties Casa Academica is also home to the student union. The offices at Casa serve as a base of operations for the union’s committees and the board. It might seem obvious that the student union has its own building but a lot of work went into building our beloved home that in 2004 turned 30 years. The house has been renovated in 2005.

After many setbacks Casa Academica was finally opened on the 5th of November 1974, 13 years after the SHS Understödsförening (SHS UF, the supporting entity behind the student union) was founded. During these 13 years the UF fought hard in order to come up with the required funds to be able to begin building our home. Without the work done by SHS UF during the 1960’s and -70’s Casa Academica would still only be a dream.


Svenska ekonomie studenters stiftelse (SESS) is a foundation that supports Hankeit’s social, intellectuel and study related ambitions. The foundation can fulfill its purpose by supporting the students during their studies or at the beginning of their careers, or when they start their own businesses. In addition, the foundation supports initiatives to organize events between students and alumni, initiatives linked to student health and well-being, as well as communities and actors that promote the foundation’s purpose. The foundation primarily supports initiatives that benefit several people over individuals.

The foundation also owns the so-called union companies: SveCasa and Casa Security (aka IB Bookstore). SveCasa arranges the entrance exam preparation course closest to Hanken and from IB bookstore you will find study-related materials and student union products for “the good life”! The foundation is also a co-owner of Academic Business Consulting, the so-called “ABC course” at Hanken.

SESS was founded in 2015 and there are both expert members and student members at the board. The application period for the foundation’s executive board and supervisory board is published on SHS.fi. The application period for the foundation’s support is also published on shs.fi.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the foundation’s chair at sess@shs.fi 

Greetings from SveCasa

Since 1978, Svecasa has helped applicants to prepare for the entrance exam to Hanken. Our lecturers are ambitious students who want to help prep-course takers to reach their dreams of being accepted to Hanken. 

Svecasa organize both a longer, more covering course and an intensive course, where the most central subjects are covered. Even if the application reform 2018 changed the entrance litterature, Svecasa continues to go on with their operation as normal – the only thing that has changed is the course material.

More about Svecasa: www.svecasa.fi 

Greetings from Casa Security

You can find the IB bookstore on the basement floor of Hanken. We offer a wide range of services for students, Hanken personnel as well as external customers.

At IB you can for instance charge your printing credits, activate a Hanken key, and buy study material and literature or Hanken merchandise. We also take care of the rental of lockers, so if you wish to have a locker you can rent one here. At the end of your studies you may wish to have a binded copy of your thesis, which we can also help you with.

We also offer printing services for all needs. So if you find yourself needing to print in a different

format than A4 or maybe on a different type of paper, we can help you with that as well.

More about IB: https://www.facebook.com/IBbokhandel