Equality and Harassment

Equality and harassment ombudsmen  

Finland’s most fun student union should also be Finland’s safest student union. 

There are a total of four equality and harassment delegates within the student union: two in Helsinki, and two at SSHV in Vaasa. The main tasks of the delegates are to promote equality and prevent harassment in all activities arund SHS in one way or another. In practice, this means both preventive and supportive measures. 

What do the ombudsmen do? 

Preventive actions mean, for example, keeping an eye on whether all the policy documents and regulations are kept up to date. Two of our most important documents are the Equality Policy Document and the Equality Plan, which are revised every three years. In addition to this, it is also our task to work with the executive board to train elected representatives and committees, so that they too can work on equality at grassroots level. 

Despite the preventive work done by the various bodies of the Student Union, sometimes uncomfortable situations arise, for example, in the form of verbal or physical harassment, discrimination or unequal treatment. Our job is also to act as a support when something happens. All discussions are confidential. 

What does confidentiality mean and what can we talk about? 

In short, confidentiality means that all cases are treated anonymously. You have the option of choosing whether you want to make your tip completely anonymous, or whether you want us to support you in the matter. Our work is always on your terms, and you always have the right to remain anonymous. 

You can talk to us about anything that is bothering you about student union activities or its members. For example, you may have been sexually harassed at an event, you may have seen someone being discriminated against, or you may have a communication development suggestion – so anything that offends you or makes you feel worried, uncomfortable or unsafe. It doesn’t have to be something that happened recently, but we’re happy to help you even with cases that happened a long time ago. The most important thing is that the information reaches us, even if no action is wanted! 

Equality and safety work is constantly evolving, and we want to hear the thoughts, ideas and/or concerns that you have had! 

How does our work work in practice? 

  1. You have experienced something unpleasant, seen something worrying, or would like to share a suggestion you have 
  2. You are in contact with Kaisa (kaisa.rantonen@shs.fi / +358 45 849 3188) or Max (max.rehell@shs.fi / +358 44 024 0911) 
  3. Kaisa or Max will be in touch with you to discuss the matter further in the way that suits you best. Our most important job is to listen! 
  4. After the discussion, Kaisa and/or Max will investigate how the situation could be resolved or dealt with, and you will be given the choice of how/whether to take the case forward. You are not committed to anything.  

What happens next? 

How problem situations are resolved varies from case to case, but there are some praxis. The starting point is that everything is done on your terms, which, in practice, means that we are bound by confidentiality unless otherwise agreed upon. Most problem situations are resolved with an open discussion or a verbal warning, but sometimes other disciplinary measures may be required. These can, if you wish, be dealt with by the executive board or the fyramannarådet: written warnings, banning orders or resignation from a post. Should a case require a police report to be made, we will support you in that process. 

Who are we? 

Kaisa Rantonen

Max Rehèll

Here you can contact us



Kaisa Rantonen (Kaisa.rantonen@shs.fi / +358 45 849 3188)

Max Rehell (max.rehell@shs.fi / +358 44 024 0911)