
Matrix Sitz

Come join MC on a journey into the metaphysical on Saturday 3 December at our MATRIX SITZ followed by an OPEN THROWBACKS AFTERPARTY (which is BYOB).⚡️

“I can only show you the door, you’re the one that has to walk through it” – Morpheus (The Matrix).

WHAT❓MC Matrix Sitz and Throwback afterparty
WHEN❓Saturday 3 December 2022.
WHERE❓At Casa (Hietaniemenkatu 7, entrance is in the back).
FOR WHOM❓Anyone.
ORGANISED BY: SHS Masters’ Committee.

We hope to see all of you then!😎

WHAT❓Matrix sitz.
TIME❓Doors are open from 19:00 to 19:45, sitz starts at 20:00 sharp.
Please note that if you arrive later than 19:45 you will not be admitted to the sitz.
THEME AND DRESS CODE❓The Matrix (no overalls).
PRICE❓€15 / €12. The price includes a three-course meal with beverages, overall patch, and the afterparty.
TICKETS❓Get a ticket by
(1) signing up through this link: https://forms.gle/4nd3LJhdjh6S88D58
(2) paying for your ticket (Cash or MobilePay to Alex Holmberg +358406416133 with description name + “Matrix sitz”).

Tickets are sold on a ‘first paid, first served basis’ (i.e. both signing up and paying) until capacity is reached or latest until Friday 2.12 at 23:59. All ticket sales are final and non-refundable!

NB!🛑We recommend that you bring a songbook (SHS Sångbok) for the sitz. You can buy one from the IB bookstore! Bring a pen so you can leave notes in your fellow sitz-goers’ books🥳

WHAT❓Throwback afterparty
TIME❓Starts at 23:00.
TICKETS❓€ 3 in exact cash on the door (for people not at the sitz). For people at the sitz, the afterparty is included in the sitz ticket.

NB!🛑The after-party is BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverages) for everyone (whether you are at the sitz or not)! If you bring more than one drink, please have them in a bag, so that it’s easier to store them. MC does not provide drinks for the afterparty, only the Sitz itself.

If you have any questions, feel free to email MC President Alex Holmberg at alex.holmberg@shs.fi .

SHS does not condone any form of harassment. Harassment makes you liable to being excluded from the event, a ban from SHS Events, and possible further steps under the SHS disciplinary procedure.

There will be Support Persons at the event who will be presented at the beginning of the sitz and who will remain completely sober throughout the whole event (both the sitz and the afterparty), whom you can approach if you for any reason feel uncomfortable or need support.

The main Support Person for this event is MC’s Vice-President, Laura Strömberg, whom you can contact via phone/SMS/whatsapp on +358405469666. You can also contact the SHS Equality & Harassment Delegates confidentially and anonymously (if you wish) at any of the following e-mail addresses: equality@shs.fi , harassment@shs.fi , trakasseri@shs.fi.