Meeting summary
Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 31/2024
Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 31/2024
Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Google Meet
Time: 9.10..2024 kl 9.00
Sofie Eriksson, Jesper Rajakangas, Mats Lehto, Aliisa Lundén, Jonatan Stenberg, Matias Monola, Linn Grönlund, Victor Dahlberg and Mathilda Lindblom
The meeting was opened at 9:00 by chairman Eriksson
Notification matters
- The wellness week at the union has started
The following matters were addressed at the meeting:
- Election of members to the SHS delegation at the Student Sports Federation’s general meeting
- Granting of project grant
- Granting of membership in the student union
- Decisions on participation in annual parties
Board member’s activities
- Held a strategy day on the 2025 business plan, 2025 budget and implementation plan follow-up
- Participated in the student council meeting 7/2024
Sofie Eriksson
- Budget follow-up with Financial Secretary Axel
- Wrote a greeting from the Board to Hankeiten and Nötte
- Participated in the Foundation’s corporate evening
- Planned and ran the Board’s strategy day
- Represented SHS at the annual party of Juristklubben Codex rf
- Supervised Gamylen
Victor Dahlberg
- Participated in Finanssi’s annual party
- Provided interpretation services to SSHV during exceptional circumstances
- Onboarded student representatives from Vaasa
- Held the Education Committee meeting
- Contacted student representatives regarding the ongoing revision of the Swedish-language Bachelor’s program
Jonatan Stenberg
- Represented at Finanssis annual ball
- Prepared for SYL general meeting
- Participated in UU meeting
Aliisa Lundén
- Helped and organized various Wellness Week events
- Promoted the Wellbeing Week
- Participated in OPHY meeting
- Started planning a survey for student activists
- Had the fall budget check
Jesper Rajakangas
- Organised two business events with the Business Committee
- Overview of the Business Committee’s budget and corporate profits for the year with the financial secretary
- Represented at Codex LXXXIV anniversary ball with Sofie
- Supervised Gamylen with Sofie
- Attended the SESS company evening on strategic management and innovation
Linn Grönlund
- Created the Vappenteams WhatsApp group
- Planned Octobers Presidents’ Committee meeting
- Coordinated events with other organizations like TF and Hanken
Matias Monola
- Coordinated the reparation of the unions soundboks
- Managed the booking calendar
- Planned new storage spaces in the cellar
Mats Lehto
- General management of SHS communication and social media
- Management of the SHS website
- Managing SHS e-mail addresses
- Promoted Stadirundan
- Promoted the well-being week