Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 28/2024


summary of the Executive Board meeting 28/2024

Location: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, floor 2, Google Meet

Time: 18.09.2024 at 09.00


Matias Monola, Linn Grönlund, Mats Lehto, Aliisa Lundén, Jesper Rajakangas, Jonatan Stenberg, Victor Dahlberg, Mathilda Lindblom

The meeting was opened at 9.00 by President Eriksson


  • The board will attend SYL’s autumn seminar at the end of the week.
  • The Student Union Fair was held last week.
  • The Niord Economic Association has celebrated its 100th anniversary.

During the meeting, the board discussed and decided on the following matters:

  • Announcement of the position of “Hankeit of the Quarter”
  • Decision on the revision of a club’s statutes
  • Granting club funding
  • Participation in annual festivities

Board Activities



  • Student union fair
  • Attended the Niord 100-year dinner
  • Received the National Union of University student in Finland’s General Assembly material presented by our kummi Irja
  • Participated in the student council meeting 6/2024

Sofie Eriksson

  • Drawn Interviews for student representatives to the Hanken Board
  • Represented the Board at the Gulis dinner
  • Bi-weekly meeting with SSHV President Julia
  • Attended the board meeting of the Swedish Economics Students’ Foundation at Evli’s office
  • Sent out annual greetings to friend organizations
  • Helped with matters related to student union fees

Victor Dahlberg

  • Represented the Cellar Guard at the Freshman Dinner. 
  • Analyzed and helped with questions related to participation in student representative meetings
  • Helped with questions from student representatives
  • Held an Education Committee Board lunch where structural changes within advocacy work for next year were discussed.
  • Participated in the organizing of Civil Friday Coffee
  • Prepared an educational package for student representatives

Jonatan Stenberg

  • Represented at Studorg Freshamn baptism
  • Represented at the Gulismiddag
  • Prepared SHS response to the SYL initiative round
  • Been in contact with our friend student unions about the SYL initiative round

Aliisa Lundén

  • Supervised Gulismiddag with Mats
  • Obtained an offer from Suomen Ensiapukoulutus for a First Aid course
  • Planned the activities of SupportHankeit with Folkhälsa
  • Continued planning of the Wellness Week

Jesper Rajakangas

  • Represented at Gulismiddagen
  • Carried in a new freezer to Casa’s kitchen, and carried out the old ones
  • Preparations for Hanken Network Day
  • Promoted Hanken Network Day in the foyer
  • Recruited new members to the Business Committee
  • Held the Business Committee meetings on 14/24 and 15/24

Linn Grönlund

  • Continued planning the Stadirundan
  • Held the falls Student Union Fair
  • Collected Club grant applications

Matias Monola

  • Managed the booking calendar
  • Attended Hankens sustainabilitygroup meeting
  • Coordinated external bookings at Casa
  • Managed cleaning services at Casa

Mats Lehto

  • General management of SHS communication and social media
  • Management of the SHS website
  • Managed SHS e-mail addresses
  • Supervised Gulismiddagen