Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 25/2024


summary of the Executive Board meeting 25/2024

Location: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, floor 2, Google Meet

Time: 28.08.2024 at 09.00


Matias Monola, Linn Grönlund, Mats Lehto, Aliisa Lundén, Jesper Rajakangas, Jonatan Stenberg, Victor Dahlberg, Matilda Eriksson, Emilia Jansén

The meeting was opened at 9.00 by Vice-President Rajakangas

Matters for report: None

The Board discussed and decided on the following matters during the meeting:

  • Granting of derogations for committees
  • Discussion and decisions and disciplinary measures
  • Election of student representative in the Institutional Council for Management and Organization
  • Deciding on the participation of the Student Union in the annual celebration of the Finish Defense University

Activities of the Board:




  • Held tutor training for Gulnäbbskommittén, Freshers Committee and Exchange Committee
  • Held Kåren101 training for new union actives

Sofie Eriksson

  • Had a meeting with the Presidium of the Student Council for upcoming Student Council meetings & workshops
  • Had a situation talk with board members
  • Participated in the two-day leadership seminar of the National Union of University Students in Finland 
  • Gave an interview to Hufvudstadsbladet about the new bachelor program at Hanken
  • Prepared and coordinated presentations during the introduction week
  • Presented SHS to the new students in the Swedish-language bachelor program
  • Helped union members with various matters
  • Presented SHS to the new students in the English-language bachelor’s program
  • Introduced SHS to new Master’s students
  • Gave a greeting at the Freshers Committee’s welcome event at Casa
  • Dealt with issues regarding proxies for the student union 
  • Dealt with matters concerning the Transparency Register for student unions
  • Sent a greeting from SHS to the Support Association
  • Work on the election committee
  • Matters relating to scholarships granted to the Student Union
  • Improved the process of paying scholarships together with Axel

Victor Dahlberg

  • Held the Education Committee Board’s internal event
  • Introduced the Education Committee to the freshmen
  • Participated in a meeting for the Assurance for Learning and Quality group
  • Attended a benchmarking meeting for the Swedish-language Bachelor’s program
  • Admitted to the Hanken Runners Club
  • Participated in the Teaching Evaluation Committee’s teaching trial

Jonatan Stenberg

  • Moderated a panel for new students
  • Temporarily taken over the presidentship of CVN
  • Participated in Board-Golf

Aliisa Lundén

  • Update talk with Sofie
  • Determined the date of the Wellbeing Week
  • Started planning first aid course for students
  • Made slides for presidents’ meetings
  • Invited Folkhälsan to the Student Union Fair to talk about Project Greenhouse
  • Attended the Freshers Committees Welcome Event
  • Participated in Styssegolf

Jesper Rajakangas

  • Represented with the Halarteam at Suomenlinna
  • Participated in Styssegolf
  • Greeted new students and told them about the Kåren
  • Had contact with companies
  • Worked forward with the overalls
  • Planned Hanken Network Day
  • Participated in the leadership seminar of the National Union of University Students in Finland
  • Had a meeting with the presidium of the Student Council for upcoming council meetings & workshops

Linn Grönlund

  • Planned the Presidents’ Committee kick-off
  • Participated in a teaching exam as a student representative
  • Participated in Board-Golf

Matias Monola

  • Managed the booking calendar
  • Participated in Hanken sustainability group meeting
  • Presented equality & advocacy at Hanken to new students 
  • Held Casa training for new committee members
  • Fixed several broken tables at Casa

Mats Lehto

  • General management of SHS communication and social media
  • Management of the SHS website
  • Managed SHS e-mail addresses
  • Continued the project on a new marketing video
  • Created a group with PR head for better coherence
  • Compilation of the SHS newsletter
  • Participated in Board-Golf