Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 23/2024


summary of the Executive Board meeting 21/2024

Location: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, floor 2, Google Meet

Time: 14.08.2024 at 09.00


Sofie Eriksson, Matias Monola, Linn Grönlund, Victor Dahlberg, Mats Lehto, Mathilda Lindblom 

The meeting was opened at 9.00 by President Eriksson

Matters for report:

  • The last Board has returned from their summer break

The Board discussed and decided on the following matters during the meeting:

  • Opening of expressions of interest for the SHS delegation to the SYL General Assembly
  • Granting of memberships in the student union
  • Decision on project grants
  • Decisions on participation in future annual balls

Activities of the Board:


  • Summer break
  • Summer crayfish party with Casa Nostra

Sofie Eriksson

  • Meetings and coordination on the deployment of the Orbi app
  • Meetings on financial management issues with Axel
  • Participated in Students at Pride
  • Meeting regarding SHSG Campus App
  • Meeting regarding a potential new partner
  • Coordinated the update of the union’s wifi
  • Planned development of the union’s financial management
  • Ongoing financial management
  • Helped the singing working group with various matters
  • Help SHSUF in matters related to Casa Nova
  • Matters related to the election committee for the Hanken board
  • Coordinated and invited student union members to the board alumni dinner
  • Handled matters and coordinated regarding new students
  • Planned and followed up Mathilda’s summer project
  • Wrote a greeting to gulisnötte
  • Wrote the greeting of the board and the president to the gulishankeiten
  • Helped union members with various matters
  • Meeting bookings and other administrative matters for the fall

Victor Dahlberg

Jonatan Stenberg

Aliisa Lundén

Jesper Rajakangas

Linn Grönlund

  • Organized the event portfolio for the autumn

Matias Monola

  • Bookings for the autumn

Mats Lehto

  • Meetings and coordination around the deployment of the Orbi app
  • Organized Jonatan Unge standup 
  • Helped with the promotion of SHS Pride
  • General management of SHS communication and social media
  • Management of the SHS website
  • Managed SHS e-mail addresses