
The Advocacy Committee is recruiting!

Do you want to influence? Do you want to learn more about SHS external advocacy? Apply to the Advocacy Committee 2024!

The Advocacy Committee is a body within SHS whose role is to support the Executive Boards work with external advocacy. External advocacy means making the SHS voice heard in society.The committee meets regularly to discuss interesting matters and organizes other activities – earlier the committee visited the Finnish Parliament and Rud Pedersen, a public affairs consultancy. This spring we will be discussing the EU-election.

IBU is chaired by the Executive Boards responsible for academic affairs Jonatan and anyone can apply to be part of the committee. Joining the committee requires no prior experience – this is the place to get it! 

Apply by January 14th with a short, freely formulated application where you describe why you are interested to join the Advocacy Committee to  (including a fun picture of you). 

If you have questions or thoughts about the committee you can ask them by email  or ask me personally! 

More information on SHS External Advocacy and our stakeholder organisations: