
Apply for student representative at the Department Council for Accounting and Commercial Law!

Would you like to influence your studies in your major and advocate for the students’ interests at Hanken? SHS is now searching for a student representative (permanent member) to the Department Council for Accounting and Commercial Law for a term that lasts until 31.12.2024. Active participation in meetings of the Department Council is rewarded with a 25€ fee per meeting. In other words, this is a great opportunity to influence your studies! The following position is open for applications:

 The Department Council for Accounting and Commercial Law

  • Permanent representative for Accounting (Vaasa)

Please note that you have to have Accounting as your major to apply.

Information about the Department Councils

For organizing research and education, Hanken has four departments that are active at both campuses. A department is led by a prefect and a department council, where the prefect is the chairman. The department council can be seen as the shareholders’ meeting for the department.

The Department Councils’ tasks consist of:

– developing and evaluating the department’s activities and following up the results in the department

– making suggestions for the curriculum

– deciding on the budget for the department 

– making suggestions on which personnel to hire

– on request, submitting opinions regarding education and research related matters

– making sure that the quality-assuring processes are being followed. 

– systematically processing feedback from the students, following up that the students achieve the teaching goals of the programs and based on this information suggesting or carrying out required changes. 

A Department Council has nine members in addition to the prefect. Three members represent the professors, three members represent the other teachers and researchers at the department and three members represent students at the department. Every member of the council has a substitute. Every major taught at the department shall be represented in the Department Council.


As a student representative you have the opportunity to directly affect your studies. In addition to that you get to practice meeting techniques and how to advocate for the students’ interests. You’ll also get the chance to widen your network at Hanken and a commission of trust to put on your CV.

In exchange for this you are expected to participate in 1-2 meetings per month, brief the other student representatives regarding current issues and be there for students that might have questions regarding their education.

The assignment starts immediately when the application time ends and the candidate is approved. The assignment ends 31.12.2024, however, it is not mandatory to sit the whole term. Please send a freely formulated application to on monday 11.12.2023 12 pm at the latest. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Take the chance to make a difference!

Axel Anderson

Educational affairs, SHS executive board 2023, 0440990316