
Apply to the Information Committee!

Application to INK is now open! 💜

INK is looking for writers, photographers, illustrators, podcasters, sponsorship seekers, and social media managers. No previous experience is required to apply, only quriosity is enough.


Are you interested in writing texts? As a writer, you act as INK’s own journalist! You write about more or less current topics, which relate to Hanken students.


“Say cheese!” As a photographer, you photograph various events and then edit the pictures.


Are you creative and enjoy creating? As an illustrator, you get to exercise your creativity by layouting Hankeiten and designing overall badges.


Do you have a nice voice and enjoy talking? Then podcasting is something for you! Record episodes that cover a variety of topics related to Hanken and the student life, and then edit these recordings.

Sponsorship Seeker

Are you proactive and not afraid to create new contacts? As a sponsorship seeker, you search for sponsors for, e.g., Hankeiten.

Social Media Manager

Are you interested in marketing? Then you can create content for INK’s Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok!

Send in a freely formulated application to by the latest 3.12.2023 at 23:59!!

Looking forward to seeing you at the interview!

Jonatan Svahn

President of the Information Committee 2024