
Apply to Masters’ Committee for Spring 2024!

SHS Masters’ Committee (MC) is looking for new members! Any SHS member who will be studying for a Master’s degree in the Spring 2024 semester is eligible to apply.

Applications are open until Friday 1 December 23:59.

Application form:

In order to apply, please fill out the application form which also has further practical information on the recruitment process. See below for some general information on MC membership. If you have any questions, feel free to contact MC President David at

What is MC?

MC is a fun and friendly group of up to 21 enthusiastic Hanken Master’s students who have a passion for working together in organising fun and interesting events, for the benefit of all SHS members with a particular focus on Master’s students.

MC is looking for new members in organising parties, sitzes, afterwork events, snow activities, park picnics, career-focused events, and any other events that we may feel like, or you as a new member might suggest, during the Spring ‘24 semester. For example, events that MC has organised in 2023 include among other things sitzes, several Legendary Parties, park picnics, Kalliorundan bar crawls, and many more. Additionally, MC also has internal events for MC-members only to enhance team-bonding, and because we thoroughly enjoy them.

How time-consuming is being an MC member?

MC’s activity consists of a monthly meeting (typically, immediately before a Legenda party) and roughly 3-4 events per month. These occasions and their planning and preparation are the main instances in which MC demands some of your time. 

MC expects its members to actively participate in organising events, but this does not mean that membership in MC is incompatible with other priorities that you may have, such as school, work, or hobbies. We have virtually all of our events outside of normal working hours, and try to flexibly accommodate people’s other priorities. However, being a group of 21 people, it is impossible to find a time that fits everyone’s calendar ideally, so slightly compromising on other social engagements might be necessary from time to time.

The involvement of an individual member in organising an event varies from event to event, and MC does not require all of its members to attend all events. However, MC does expect every member to attend most of its monthly meetings, and sitzes require virtually all members from MC to participate in organising.

What is MC looking for in applicants?

MC is a diverse group of people, with varying personalities and a range of different backgrounds in terms of culture, education and nationality. MC therefore warmly invites anyone from any background to apply. We are looking for our newly recruited members to be persons who are friendly, fun, willing to actively contribute to MC’s organisation of its various events, and not afraid of “getting their hands dirty” from time to time (e.g. in cleaning up after events). Successful applicants commit to being active members of MC for at least Spring semester 2024, and ordinarily will have a right (but not the obligation) to be in MC for up to two years.