Meeting summary

Summary of Executive Board meeting 22/2022

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 22/2022
Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Microsoft Teams
Time: 10.8.2022 kl 10.00


Emilia Winqvist, Ida Havunta, Pia Blomqvist, William Sundell, Hampus Nordin, Jennifer Holmberg, Anton Mattsson, Selma Lumio, Sinéad ObreyEmma Lindvall

The following matters were addressed at the meeting:

  • The Board has decided to vacate one ordinary & one reserv seat on the University College and one ordinary seat on the Education Council.
  • The Board will continue to work with official meetings being held on Wednesdays at 10:00 am.

Notification matters

  • The Student Union itself participated in the Pride parade with HUS, KY and StudOrg for the first time in July and held a picnic in the park afterwards.
  • The board has attended the summer meeting with Boomi.

The boards activities


Preparing for Pride

Meetings about the Statutes

Recruitment of new gensek

Emilia Winqvist

Meetings around the welcome back event at Hanken

Preparations and participation at Pride

Helped with space bookings at Casa

Problems with water damage at Kåren

Meetings about the statutes with SU and small group

Meetings and discussion about SHS finances

Meetings with the Secretary General about her resignation

Meetings and discussion on change of inspector, curator and Rector

Meeting with the new Rector

Contact with committees

Preparations for the autumn

Miscellaneous greetings to SSHV gulisar, Helsinki gulisar, masters 

Preparations for speeches at various events

Increased accessibility at the union

Meeting with Eliott about ÄMR tips 

Preparations for the board strategy day

Contact with FM presidium

Responded to emails on various issues

Hampus Nordin

Managed the booking calendar

Implemented and tested a pant and contract system

Attended the Helsinki pride parade

Represented at Boomi kesäfest

Water damage at Kåren, solved now (Hopefully)

Anton Mattsson

Preparing with pride statement and participating in the pride parade

Meetings regarding bylaw revision

Sporadically responded to emails 

Enjoyed some time off from the union

Pippi Blomqvist 

Summer vacation 

Writing of meeting minutes in Swedish and English 

Students at Pride: preparation of the event, its logistics and marketing and communication between student unions and associations. Running the event and its practical aspects both before and after 

Gulishankeiten: writing of the Board’s greeting and about student benefits, the Equality and Harassment Ombudsmen and the Committee of Social Affairs 

Preparing for and meeting with the Committee of Social Affairs 

Coordination of guest blog posts 

Representation at the summer meeting of kylteriassociations at Boomi in Tampere 

Planning of autumn’s Wellness Week 

Discussion on the rules of procedure for the ombudsmen 

Preparations for statutes meetings 

Planning of Hanken’s welcome carnival on 13.9 and meetings around it 

Recruitment efforts for new Secretary General 

Meeting with the Invalid Association and preparations for it 

Meeting with Gekko 

Planning of autumn projects and responding to emails and Slack 

William Sundell

Been in contact with companies regarding Hanken Network Day

Meeting with the Exchange Committee discussing corporate cooperations

Meeting discussing the Business Committees result prognosis for the year

Planned and prepared the Business Committees work for the fall

Ida Havunta

Gone through mail inbox & Slack to get back into everyday life after the summer holidays

Planned and prepared UU’s activities for the coming autumn

Been in contact with SASSE & NHHS for joint field trip (education policy)

Opened recruitment for new student representatives

Helped to plan the recruitment of the new Secretary General 

Jennifer Holmberg 

The inbox

Been very active during the meetings regarding the by-law revision

Pitched and actively stayed in contact with our candidate for the HOAS board, and last week received confirmation that this candidate is available for the position. 

Filled out a survey about SYL and SAMOK’s campaign for the upcoming governmental elections. 

Discussed with WSC chair about Hanken’s part of the financing of the Otus research survey 

Participated in and represented the board at Students at Pride