Meeting summary

Summary of Executive Board meeting 19/2022


Summary of Executive Board meeting 19/2022

Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Microsoft Teams

Time: 25.5.2022 kl 10.01


Emilia Winqvist, Ida Havunta, Pia Blomqvist, William Sundell, Hampus Nordin, Selma Lumio, Sinéad Obrey

Emma Lindvall 

Notification matters:

Member Winqvist reports that SHS has celebrated the annual ball physically again after two years and that the ball was truly the best party of the universe (Universums bästa fest).

Board member Blomqvist reports that after the best party of the universe, the office has also been allowed to attend the party and that it has been established that it is possible to spend the night there if the need arises.

Board member Lumio announces that SHS has been represented at AYY’s annual ball.

Chairman Winqvist announces that she participated in the Ekonomernas förbunds meeting.

Board member Lumio reports that Hanken’s principal Karen Spens was present at her first and last academic herring breakfast.

Other matters:

The Central Election Board’s set of candidates was approved.

The club application was approved for HankF1.

A project grant application was rejected.

Exception permits for space use were granted.



Participated in SHS annual ball festivities

Took care of the Nordic guests

Participated in the last spring council meeting

Presented to the Council the situation with the implementation plan

Rector’s coffee

Emilia Winqvist

Meeting with ÅAS on the language issue in FSF

Housing company meeting

Ekonomernas general assembly meeting physically in Vaasa

Attended AYY’s annual party and herring breakfast

Canon meeting on e.g. Ukraine situation

Held development talks

Participated in a discussion on the revision of the FSF statutes

Participated in the economists’ opetus palkinto nomination group and chose the prize winner

Held a meeting with the Tradbörs organisers

Prepared and presented the working group’s and the Board’s statutes proposals

Hampus Nordin

Managed the booking calendar

Ordered more paper

Fixed a locker door

Fixed the sound system at Casa for the 370th time…

Housing company meeting and dinner

Bought a new vacuum cleaner to Kåren

Ida Havunta

Equis Equis Equis

Weekly meetings 

Meeting with Sören on post pandemic teaching

Universitetskollegiet  meeting 

Everyday UPO fix

Pia “Pippi” Blomqvist 

Held training about the student union’s equality practices for tutors 

Meeting with the Swedish Health Work Group 

Completed the training for First Aid in Mental Health 1 by MIELI ry 

Meeting with the leading group of UniSport 

Coordination of Pride and autumn’s Wellness Week