Meeting summary

Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 20/2021


Summary of the Executive Board’s meeting 20/2021

Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Microsoft Teams

Time: 2.6.2021 at 5:30PM

The meeting was opened by Chairman Karlsson at 5:32PM


Daniel Karlsson, Anton Nilsson, Daniel Hasselström, Alexandra Eriksson, Sebastian Ståhlberg, Emilia Donner,Emilia Winqvist, Kristiane Width, 

Notifications matters: 

  • Tarja Halonen has contributed with a video greeting in an effort to promote more people to vote in the upcoming Municipality elections.
  • The Student Council President Nicolina Massa and the President of the Executive Board have participated in the absentee voting together with the Rector of Hanken, Karen Spens

The following matters were addressed at the meeting:

  • The Executive Board chose to investigate further before making a decision in potential engagement with CF- Opsikelijamessut
  • The Executive Board chose not to apply for a position in the service area of FSHS South Directorate
  • The Executive Board chose to open the application period for the posts as student representatives (2) in Hankens Executive Board. The application period is available on the SHS website from June 2- July 31
  • The Executive Board chose Anton Nilsson as their proposition as the studentrepresentative to the SHS Disciplinary Board
  • The Executive Board chose to implement new restrictions in relation to the Student Union’s exit strategy in the COVID-19 pandemic. The Student Union continues to follow the recommendations of the Finnish Government
  • The Executive Board chose to confiscate keys of two SHS members as a sanction of soliciting in the Student Union’s space without permission

Other matters:

  • Board member Eriksson informs the Executive Board about a new Development project focused around young adults’ health called ‘Växthuset- för gemenskap’. The Board discussed that they will not participate in the program since SSHV is already signed up.

The Meeting was concluded at 09:03 am by Chairman Karlsson.