SHS recommendations and instructional guidelines for events during fall 2020
This news post was updated 16.11.2020
The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics follows the guidelines stipulated by the Finnish government, as well as the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This webpage is regularly updated whenever new regulations are recommended or mandated.
The Student Union actively follows news updates of decision making organs in Finland regarding the pandemic. Our goal is to make sure that the wellbeing of our members and employees’ well being are taken into consideration during this difficult time. The Executive Board of the Student Union oversees the activities of the Student Union and can make changes to scheduled functions, events, or operative work in accordance to the situation.
These guidelines include SHS instructions for organisations on how to organise events safely and how students may participate in the events by following mandated health conducts. The guidelines supplement the recommendations of the authorities, which organisations and students must follow.
Guidelines for SHS organisations and event planners
If the Student Union is notified of someone who has been on SHS premises or attended a SHS event is tested positive with COVID-19, the Executive Board is responsible for communicating this both within and outside the Student Union.
Before the event is published a safety plan must be made and sent to the Executive Board for approval.
SHS follows the Helsinki medical district (HUS) recommendation, that allows the maximum of 20 people gathering. This includes all SHS spaces and events.
SHS will not be hosting any larger festivities or gatherings as of further notice.
All events should have a sign-up process and the sign up lists are processed in accordance to GDPR rules, in order to ensure that the event is safely conducted and participants’ right to integrity of personal information.The list of participants must be kept for three weeks after the event and after that, the data must be deleted. The participants must be notified of the collection and use of the list of participants. The reason for the sign up sheets are to more easily track potential contamination chains.
Event organisers are responsible for making sure that good hygiene is assured throughout the whole duration of the event. It should beensured that there is a possibility of washing and/or disinfecting the hands during the events entirety. The use of safety masks should be recommended.
Safe distances must be at least 1 – 2 meters at events. Hygiene instructions and safe distances must be communicated throughout the event.
The starting point for planning an event is that it is possible to keep safe distances in the event. If for some reason the safe distances cannot be maintained, the mask recommendation should be followed. If masks are used in the event, participants should be instructed on the correct use of the mask to avoid contracting the virus.
SHS advises that events are held outdoors, given the circumstances and possibility of this.
During the fall SHS events will only be available for SHS members. First year students will be prioritized.
Organisers must be prepared to change plans or cancel the event if necessary. This ensures the safety and well being of our members.
In addition to physical events, organisations should continue to organise remote events as well. When planning, take into account students in potential risk groups and those who do not feel safe in physical events.
On all SHS events the usage of face masks is recommended. On all events face masks, plastic gloves and hand sanitizer must be available for everyone. The organizers must wear a face mask and gloves if they are in touch with any material that will be handed out. (food, cutlery, boardgames etc).
Instructions for students participating in an event
If you experience any symptoms you should follow the authorities instructions on The authorities follow up on the chain of contamination and notify the ones who might have been affected.
- Stay at home if you have flu symptoms, are ill, or have been in contact with a symptomatic person for the past 14 days.
- If you have travelled to Finland from abroad, please do not attend any physical SHS events for two weeks. Be sure to also notify the organiser of your cancellation.
- Bring your hand sanitiser and take care of hand hygiene, especially before and after the event.
- Follow the current mask recommendation issued by the authority. SHS encourages usage of masks. Use the mask correctly, as moving the mask to and from the face may increase the risk of infection.
- Keep a safe distance (1-2 meters) from other people.
- Follow the organiser’s instructions and register yourself in the list of participants as indicated by the organiser.
- Remember, we are all responsible for preventing the spread of the coronavirus. Take care of your friends!
- We strongly recommend everyone to download the Koronavilkku-app when it is launched. The app will allow people to participate in preventing the spread of the virus and to protect their own and their loved ones’ health. Through the app, people exposed to the virus can be reached and infection chains can be stopped faster.
Hanken’s information and directives
Hanken School of Economics informs independently regarding their restrictions and directives in the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Instructions regarding what safety regulations implemented by the university are available on Hanken’s website as well as the information email sent to all Hanken students (
Information regarding courses and possible implementation changes due to the pandemic are notified on respective Moodle pages for the course.