Meeting summary
Mötesreferat för styrelsemöte 16/2020
The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics
Meeting Abstract of the Executive Board’s meeting 16/2020
Place: Microsoft Teams
Time: 13.05.2020 at 11:00
Attending: Fanny Hindsberg, Maisa Dyhr, Filip Jägerroos, Joakim Kiuru, Eliott Tallqvist, Nea Olsson, Axel Toukkari, Kristiane Width
Meeting opened at 11:03 by Hindsberg
The Executive Board made decisions in the following matters during the meeting:
- The Board decided regarding the use of the Student Union’s premises
- Approved signature rights
Board Member activities:
Common activities:
- Rector’s Coffee
- Dean’s Meeting
- The Student Council
- Rector’s information to Hanken
Fanny Hindsberg: Meeting with the Generan Secretary, with the Chairman of the Student Council, HUU chairman Claes Berg, Gathered data for the SHS 2025 strategy, Compiled data from the Remote studies survey and presented it to Hanken’s management group, Speech on the first of May at YLE with the other student unions
Oscar Byman: WSC local government election meeting, SYL Kopolive x2, Worked with the SHS 2025 strategy: Launched information campaign, created a survey for alumni, strategy workshop with Hanken’s management, sparred with Janne Tienari, planned next phase, Two meetings with the external advocacy group, Worked with the survey on remote studies
Eliott Tallqvist: FSSPIF meeting, Managed Education Committee 4/2020, Attended Assurance of Learning meeting, Discussed digital education with Hanken, Presented the results from the remote studies survey to the management of Hanken, Made an Instagram takeover with the Department Council Student Representatives, Checked the member status for the Education Committee for the incoming fall
Joakim Kiuru: Met the corporate relations team of Hanken, meeting with Nordea, Worked with the SHS sponsorship coordination project, Prepared for a sales blitz
Maisa Dyhr: Meeting with FSSPIF, external advocacy affairs group, HOAS member of the Board representing SHS, Sopolive, 2x equality plan group och Student Union Council aftis, presented results from the SHS remote studies survey to the management group of Hanken, SYL environment sector meeting, Worked with compiling of the remote education survey results, SHS-2025 social media material and the studies psychologist, Organized an equality workshop with Filip
Nea Olsson: Personal contact with the Committee Chairmen regarding their operations, Wrote report: Investigations regarding the operations of the Committees, Equality workshop with Ordfu, Styrelsens event SHS & Chill: workout with Kristi, SYL kv-meeting x2, External advocacy group meeting: HOAS, Walpurgis night, Nordic Board contact
Filip Jägerrroos: Opened the recruitment of the FU-committee. Marketing and social media material, Project QR codes for the student union’s premises completed, Got new fire extinguishers and placed them into new places which missed them on beforehand. Created a template for club protocols for the constitutional meeting in Swedish and English, Contacted the housing management regarding leasing in the fall. Started discussions regarding oil treatment of the floor, SHS2025: Clubs, Two meetings with the equality plan group and an aftonskola for Ordfu, Equality survey with Maisa, compiled data and created a PPT, Organized an equality workshop with Filip.
Axel Toukkari: Coordinated social media channels, Deeper discussion with Genero. First draft of the contract, polishing the details of the contract regarding the new homepage, Worked with if WCAG 2.1, and the accessibility of the SHS homepage on a long term, Created SHS e-mail
Other matters
- No other matters
The meeting ended at 11:06.