Meeting summary

Meeting summary Student council meeting 10/2017

Student Council meeting, December 4th 2017
Location: Teachers Lounge at Svenska Handelshögskolan in Helsinki, Arkadiankatu 22
Time: 17.00

  • 1 Opening of the meeting

The meeting started at 13.04

  • 2 Accepting the legitimacy and decision making power as well as choosing the protocol adjusters and vote counters

The meeting was properly summoned.

  • 3 Confirmation of the meeting schedule


  • 4 Election of meeting secretary in Swedish and English

Linnea Strand was selected.

  • 5 Information and discussion

The board presented their ongoing activities.
Chairman 2018 Henna Konsti presented about the work of the new board.
Information from Vaasa.
The big committee informed the general council about their activities.
The Foundation informed about its activities.

  • 6 Election of auditors

Suggestion: Mikael Söderlund, Rolf Nyberg, Lars-Ove Backman and Stefan Söderberg have confirmed that they can undertake the assignment.
Decision: Suggestion was accepted

  • 7 Selection of inventors

Ordinary: Jens Nyström and Henna Konsti were selected
Alternates: Amos Schalin and Karri Lumivirta were selected

  • 8 Determination of Student Union fee 2018-2019

Proposals: The Student Union fee for the academic year 2018-2019 is proposed to be 120 €, of which 54 € goes to the student health and 66 € to the Student Union. The term fee is 60 €, of which 27 € goes to student health and € 33 to the Student Union.
Decision: Student union fee was approved

  • 9 Determination of budget 2018

Appendix 1: budget proposal 2018
The proposed budget was discussed openly.
Decision: The budget is approved in accordance with the Board’s proposal

  • 10 Determination of business plan 2018

Appendix 2: business plan 2018
Every part of the business plan were discussed separately.
Decision: The business plan 2018 is approved in its entirety.

  • 11 Selection of the Disciplinary Committee

Appendix 3: Board’s proposal regarding the Disciplinary Board 2018-2019.
Decision: The Board’s proposal was approved

  • 12 Selection of members of Unikollegiet

Appendix 4: Board’s proposal regarding members of Unikollegiet
Decision: The Board’s proposal was approved.

  • 13 The Grand Committee’s proposal regarding the completion of the Grand Committee’s members

Filip Styrström resigns from the Grand Committee due to his board assignment.
Suggestion: Styrström is replaced by Sara Teräsvasara, who is listed as a new member of the Grand Committee
Decision: The proposal was approved

  • 14 Other matters

The campaign #dammenbrister was openly discussed and how the Student Union takes position to this.

  • 15 End of the meeting

Meeting ended at 18:35