Havis Amanda 2025
SHS organises the crowning of Havis Amanda 30.4.2025
The sun is finally coming out and it’s time for the students to put on their overalls and open their bubbly bottles. Soon we will gather at Salutorget and give Havis Amanda her student cap. 🎉
The crowning of the cap of Havis Amanda, Helsinki’s very own mermaid at the Salutorg, is a long-standing student tradition. Before it became an official tradition, the coronation was illegally performed at midnight already in 1909. It was not until 1951 that an official permit was granted for the coronation, when the authorities gave in to the customs and festivities of the citizens.
The student unions of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area take turns to perform the coronation, and this year it is the Student Union of Hanken School of Economics that carries on the tradition. SHS now welcomes you all to join us in celebrating the biggest student party – Walpurgis Night.
On April 30th, the coronation will start with the traditional annual cleaning of Havis Amanda. Then the cap-placers are lift up and Havis Amanda is crowned and receives her own student cap at 18, this signals a starting shot for everyone to put on their student cap. 🍾
Come and enjoy the student community and start Vappen together in the best possible company! ✨
Program (more exact schedule to come)
16:00 DJ starts playing
17:00 Washing of Havis Amanda
18:00 Crowning of Havis Amanda
Follow us on Instagram @mantanlakitus !