Meeting summary

Summary of Executive Board meeting 15/2022


Summary of Executive Board meeting 15/2022

Place: SEB- Sanduddsgatan 7A, våning 2 & Microsoft Teams

Time: 27.04.2022 kl 10.00


Emilia Winqvist, Ida Havunta, Pia Blomqvist, William Sundell, Hampus Nordin, Jennifer Holmberg, Anton Matsson, Selma Lumio, Sinéad Obrey 

Meeting opened at 10:02 by president Winqvist

The following matters were addressed at the meeting:

  • Postponed the choice of the president of Centralvalnämnden
  • Opened the position of Hankeit of the quarter
  • Havunta and Winqvist will represent SHS at AYY’s Annual Ball

Notification matters

  • Nordin reported that the SASSE board visited us and we visited them in Stockholm during the weekend
  • Winqvist reported that SHS organized Tradbörs for the first time since 2019

Meeting ended at 10:06 by president Winqvist

The Board´s activities


Arranged Tradbörs

Participated in Herr och Dam and visited Sasse in Sweden

Rector’s coffee

Emilia Winqvist

Lunch with Gilbert on the situation at Thorax and SHS

Meeting with the working group for the statutes

Meeting with Ida about SHS and UU

Participated in Campus Day

Participated in IBU meeting on language issue in FSF

Meeting with KPV on HEBS membership application and the spring meeting

Education Council meeting

Solved problem with broken spaces

Matters concerning the distribution of Ukraine badges

Contact with Niord and Ekonomerna

Contact with KY president

Planned Board strategy day

Responded to inquiries regarding SHS

Ida Havunta 

Continued with the Equis interviews.

Weekly meetings. 

IBU meeting.

Fixed for the Huvudämneskväll and held the event on 26.4. Also collaborated with HankenES who organized afterwork for the event participants.   

Everyday UPO-fix.

Jennifer Holmberg

Caught up on a spammed inbox after the Easter vacation

Held the second IBU meeting (Advocacy committee)

WSC meeting

The first governmental election sector meeting


Meeting with the rector recruitment committee

Read OLL’s goals for the next governmental period

Made a summary of the sustainability part of the SEHP-plans

Participated in the major evening hosted by UU, and the afterwork 

Participated in a breakfast seminar hosted by Handelsgillet

Hampus Nordin

Managed the booking calendar

Attended the major evening hosted by UU and the afterwork

Helped with preparations for the vappen week

Helped with the fixing of the Casa toilets

Handed out Ukraine patches

William Sundell

Meeting with the Hanken Corporate Relations team

Had a meeting with a committee about corporate cooperations

Participated in the major evening hosted by UU, and the afterwork 

Participated in a breakfast seminar hosted by Handelsgillet

Tried to get sponsored drinks to SHS Vappen event

Pippi Blomqvist 

Meeting with Hankeiternas Välmåendegrupp 

Meeting with the committee of social affairs 

Planning of training for new presidents 

Representation at HOAS 1st of May event 

Chaperoning at Herr & Dam 

Participating in Huvudämneskvällen and HankenES Afterwork 

Selma Lumio

Assisted with technical things at Hanken facilities during huvudämneskväll 

Planned and prepared the SHS Vappu celebration

Had meetings with committees and clubs

Represented at HOAS vappu event

Supervised Herr&Dam sitz