Meeting summary

Summary of board meeting 21/2017

Place: 5 th floor, Hietaniemenkatu 7 A, 5 floor.
Time: 20.09.2019 at. 9.00
Karri Lumivirta – Ordförande
Sofia Holm – medlem
Petra Laiti – medlem (närvarande till 12.21)
Alina Anderson – medlem
Tomas Granholm – medlem
Jens Nyström – medlem
The meeting opened at. 9.13
The Executive Board decided the following during the meeting:
New club, Kaffe klubben was established
The Board chose Ellen Kuula to student representative för the language counsil in Vasa
The Board granted Hankfutsal 500e club grants.
The Board has granted Hanken fotbolteam  167 € project grants.
Other matters:
Akateeminen maanpuolustusyhdistys ry. has invited SHS to the annual ball 14.10.2017.  We send a warm greeting.
Etäläsuomalainen osakunta has invited SHS to the annual ball 14.10.2017, We send a warm greeting.
Probba ry has invited to the annual ball 3.11. We send a warm greeting.
There has been a water damage at Casa 16.9. We are waiting for more information regarding the renovation etc.
The Executive Board participated in:
The Board has participated in the student council meeting.
The Board has meeting with inspector Minna Martikainen
Lumivirta has participated in meeting with kylteri.
Granholm has participated in the Niord board meeting.
Palmgren has worked with the new homepage and started with marketing material for recruiting of the new board.
Anderson has send the quality plan for a round of comments
Andersson has participated a meeting with HUS, Aalto and Taiyo
Laiti had been chosen as candidate to SYL: s board.
Holm has had a meeting with the Education Committee
The meeting ended at. 12.3