Meeting summary

Summary of Student Council meeting 5/2017

Place: 403 in Hanken School of Economics (Arkadiagatan 22)

Time: 18.9.2017

The meeting was opened by Student Council President Sofia Slotte at 16.04.

The following matters were addressed at the meeting.


5§ Discussions

-Collaboration with NPG to create events will generate small profits

-The overall-team are searching for sponsorship

-The Board will bring up the question to the students of the school if anonymous exams should exist

-You can still apply for a position at IR, the Uni College and the academic council for an other week

-Water damage at the Student Union’s facility

-The money we received are safely managed by Evli


6§ Selection of the Sports Committee’s president

-Carljohan Eriksson is choses to the Sports Committee’s president


7§ Budget monitoring

-Monitoring of the budget


8§ Response of motion

-Presentation of the attached motion

-Minor expenditures has already been minimized


9§ The Executive board’s proposal to nominate Petra Laiti for the board elections of SYL (National Union of University Students in Finland)

-Suggested candidate is Petra Laiti


10§ Determination of the dates for the election of the board of the council

-20-24.10 and 25-26.10


11§ Other matters


12§ The meeting was closed at 19:27